Universidad Alejandro de Humboldt

Universidad Alejandro de Humboldt was named in honor of Alexander von Humboldt German naturalist and explorer. UAH is a Venezuelan private university sponsored by the Civil Association Educational Humboldt, created by the National University Council in Resolution No. 28 of 25 July 1997 and authorized in its operation by Presidential Decree No. 2.225 of December 1, 1997.

Student body

Enrollment is 12,200 including 1200 graduate students, approximately 70 percent women, 30 percent men.

Academic offerings

UAH offers six bachelor's degree programs and two Engineer's degree programs known as an Engineer Diploma Engineering education including eight diploma programs and two master's degree programs through its three schools.

School of Engineering

UAH offers the following undergraduate programs:

School of Humanities and Education

Research is conducted within the individual colleges. Major interdisciplinary research thrusts include:
UAH "Universidad Alejandro de Humboldt" is accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education.


Soc. Manuel Carlos Sulbarán


The main university campus is located in Caracas, Miranda State.
Av. Rómulo Gallegos, Con 1ra. Transversal de Montecristo Edificio Universidad Alejandro de Humboldt. Caracas
There are campuses in Caracas District Capital in:
Av. Lima, entre Plaza Venezuela y Av. Libertador,
Edif. Universidad Alejandro de Humboldt.
Av. Lima, entre Plaza Venezuela y Av. Libertador,
Edif. Universidad Alejandro de Humboldt.
Av. Principal del Bosque
Edif. Universidad Alejandro de Humboldt.
Final Av. Pocaterra, Cruce con Calle Colinas,
El Trigal Centro,
Edif. Universidad Alejandro de Humboldt.