University of Tifariti

The University of Tifariti, is a university located in Tifariti, Western Sahara.


The University of Tifariti, the first Sahrawi university was established in 2013. President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Mohamed Abdelaziz also appointed Khatari Ahmudi Abdallahi as its first president.

International academic collaboration

The idea of building up a university in the Sahrawi liberated territories had been around at least since 2009, with the help of many other universities of the world, as the University of Leeds, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, University of Berkeley, University of Pretoria, University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Havana, University of Mentouri and a dozen others from Africa, America and Europe.

Sahrawi government support

Sahrawi authorities have offered free basic education to children in the Sahrawi refugee camps, but for higher education they had to travel abroad.