Miloš (unmanned ground vehicle)

Miloš, also called Little Milosh, is an unmanned ground vehicle developed by the Military Technical Institute Belgrade, following the development of Unmanned ground vehicle Milica in 2009. UGV Miloš is in serial production and first customer are Serbian Armed Forces.


During 2009 Military Technical Institute Belgrade presented its first battle UGV, Milica. Continuous development lead to a new UGV, named Miloš. Miloš has better autonomy and a smaller remote control station which is carried and operated by a single soldier. The UGV fits into small trailer and can be carried by smaller 4x4 military vehicles or in numbers on larger vehicles to the deployment zone. For surveillance and detection it uses thermal camera, a day and night camera, and a laser ranger. It has one or two weapons attached on its turret. Maximum total weight is around 700kg or 300kg of cargo. Two day/night cameras are installed on front and back for driving.
It was presented to the public at the 2017 Partner Fair in Belgrade.


There are several versions of Little Milosh:

Potential operators

After the Unmanned Systems Exhibition and Conference 2018 fair, the UAE requested to test UGV Milosh for their armed forces.