Until Death Do Us Part (manga)

Until Death Do Us Part is a Japanese manga series written by Hiroshi Takashige and illustrated by DOUBLE-S. Until Death Do Us Part began its serialization on Young Gangans December 2005 issue and ran until November 20, 2015. The story centers around a young girl with strong precognitive abilities. Due to these abilities, she is held hostage by a Yakuza group looking to make a profit off of them. However, knowing what was to come, she spots a blind swordsman in the crowd and immediately recognizes him as her only way out. She hires him to protect her "until death do us part", and thus begins a long road of action-packed confrontations to keep the young girl safe and her abilities out of the hands of those who would exploit them.


Haruka Tōyama, a young girl, is kidnapped by agents of a company named EX-SOLID due to her precognition abilities. She quickly finds sanctuary with a man named Hijikata Mamoru, a blind swordsman, ex-kendoka, and convict who is proficient in the use of a katana, and desperately runs him down in the street. Upon meeting, Haruka told Hijikata to protect her "Until Death Do Us Part." Confirming the terms of the contract, Mamoru quickly dispatches the pursuers on her tail and took her in for protection.
Soon it becomes apparent, however, that nearly the entire underground is targeting Haruka. It is then up to Mamoru, and his partner Igawa, to provide consistent and unending protection for Haruka. Needing a bit more help, contact is made with their parent company, a secret and elite vigilante paramilitary group called the Element Network. Many different members of the Network get involved in protecting Haruka and placing her under EN protection from unknown forces who seek her ability. In turn, Haruka assists EN forces in defeating mercenaries and assassins who are out to get her and the network.



The Republic of Galboa

;Zashid Turus
;Edge Turus
;Taos Turus
;Gido Turus
;Misalt Turus
;Gene Turus
; Kaeser
; Ragi
; Ash
; Yijian Liu
;Mister Wiseman
Until Death Do Us Part has been published in Japan with 24 volumes by Square Enix after it was initially serialized on Young Gangan's December 2005 issue. In France and in French-speaking countries and territories, it is being published by Editions Ki-oon under the title Jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare with its 1st volume published on March 27, 2008. In South Korea, it is published under Haksan. It is published in Taiwan under Tong Li. It is published in Hong Kong by Jade Dynasty. It is published in Indonesia by Elex Media. It is published in Italy by J-Pop. It has been licensed for English language release by Yen Press, who released the series in a 2-in-1 omnibus format.

Volume list