Upala (canton)

Upala is the 13th canton in the province of Alajuela in Costa Rica. The canton covers an area of, and has a population of 48,910.
The capital city of the canton is also called Upala.


Upala Canton is bordered by Nicaragua on the north, the Río Las Haciendas on the northwest, Río Rito on the southeast, and the Cordillera de Guanacaste on the south. The Rincón de la Vieja, Santa María, Miravalles and Tenorio volcanoes are landmarks along the southern border.


The canton of Upala is subdivided into eight districts :
  1. Upala
  2. Aguas Claras
  3. San José O Pizote
  4. Bijagua
  5. Delicias
  6. Dos Ríos
  7. Yoliyllal
  8. Canalete


The canton was established by a decree of March 17, 1970.