Upper Silesian metropolitan area

The Upper Silesian metropolitan area is a metropolitan area in southern Poland and northeast Czech Republic, centered on the cities of Katowice and Ostrava in Silesia. Located in the three administrative units : mainly Silesian Voivodeship, a small western part of Lesser Poland Voivodeship and a small east part of Moravian-Silesian Region.
The area lies within the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Silesian metropolitan area with nearby Kraków metropolitan area and Częstochowa metropolitan area create a great metropolitan area covering 7 million people.


Upper Silesian metropolitan area has a population of 5,294,000, with 4,311,000 in Poland and 983,000 in the Czech Republic. According to Polish Scientific Publishers area is 5,400 km², with 4,500 km² in Poland and 900 km² in the Czech Republic. According to the Brookings Institution, area has a population of 5,008,000.
The area consists of several Functional Urban Areas, each of which is defined as a core Morphological Urban Area based on population density plus the surrounding labour pool, i.e. a metropolitan area. This area contains the following FUAs:
Data may vary depending on the source, example for same the Katowice city exist sources for 3.5 million people; for the Rybnik – 507,000, while for the Ostrava – 1,153,876.


Historically, most of the area was characterized by heavy industry since the age of industrialisation in the late 19th and early 20th century. In addition to coal, Upper Silesia also contains a number of other minable resources. Resources of coal to a depth to 1000 meters – about 70 billion tons, the conditions for the extraction – good.