Ur (cuneiform)

The cuneiform sign ur is a common-use sign in the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Amarna letters, and other cuneiform texts. It has multiple sub-uses in the Epic of Gilgamesh, as well as use for the Sumerogram, UR. In the Epic, UR is used to spell Akkadian language barbaru, "wolf", as UR.BAR.RA.
ur is a syllabic for "ur", and an alphabetic for "u", or "r". In the Amarna letters, usage is sumerogrammic for English language "dog", spelled either UR.KI, or UR.KU, but the 'dog' reference can be found in many Amarna letters.
The cuneiform
ur'' cuneiform character is built in a 'rectangular box form', sitting upon a long horizontal stroke. It contains the 2-verticals at left and 1-vertical at right. Three other signs are similarly built, but contain 1-vertical at left, with 2-verticals at right for lu , and the same but only 1-short horizontal at center, ib. The third similar sign, has 1-vertical left and right, ku. It also has 3-short verticals in the center, but is often such a compressed cuneiform character that individual strokes are overwritten, and difficult to identify.

''Epic of Gilgamesh'' usage

Cuneiform ur has many sub-uses in the Epic of Gilgamesh. The following can be found: leq-- time, lik--, liq--, tas--, taṣ--, taš--, tés--, téš--, ur--, UR-- times.
