Urban agglomerations in Quebec

An agglomeration, or urban agglomeration, is an administrative subdivision of Quebec at the local level that may group together a number of municipalities which were abolished as independent entities on 1 January 2002 but reconstituted on 1 January 2006.
Urban agglomerations have certain powers that would ordinarily be exercised by individual municipalities.


The Act respecting the exercise of certain municipal powers in certain urban agglomerations defines the expression urban agglomeration as follows.
One municipality in each agglomeration is known as the central municipality and has special status under the Act. The others are called related municipalities.
The Act defines the powers exercised by the agglomeration and those exercised by the reconstituted municipalities, known as agglomeration powers and local powers.

Agglomeration councils

Agglomeration powers are exercised by agglomeration councils.

Agglomeration powers

These are defined by .
Many governmental functions are performed by the central city in each agglomeration; for example, the Montreal city police have jurisdiction in the neighboring communities.

Local powers

A list of these can be found on the website of the Ministère des Affaires municipales et régionales.

List of constituent municipalities

In each list, the legally designated central municipality appears first.

[Urban agglomeration of Montreal]

The Montreal urban agglomeration is administered by the Montreal Agglomeration Council, a replacement of the old Montreal Urban Community