Usop Sontorian

Usop Sontorian is a Malaysian animated cartoon series aired on TV1 from 1996 to 1998. It was created by Ujang and Kamn Ismail and produced by Kharisma Pictures. Ismail is the managing director of Quest Animations until his death in 2019. Ujang, the creator of the Usop Sontorian characters, has been forbidden to draw any cartoon characters similar in likeness to Usop Sontorian, after a failed legal battle to acquire rights to the character.


Usop Sontorian tells the story of the village life of Malaysian boy Usop b Mat and his friends Abu, Dol, Ah Kim, Vellu, and Singh. Usop is the third child in his family. He has two elder siblings: a sister, Kak Kiah, and a jobless brother named Abang Budin. The story is set in Kampung Parit Sonto, not far from the town of Ayer Hitam, Johor; hence the name '"Sontorian". The theme of the series was to promote unity and harmonious relationships between all races in Malaysia.

Voice cast

Main characters

Although Usop Sontorian start airing in 1996, actually all episodes was produced between 1993 and 1996. During its run, the series has spanned 3 seasons and 50 episodes.

Season 1 (1996)

Season 2 (1997)

Season 3 (1998)


In 2009, the series was reaired on TV9 from May to December 2009, every Monday to Thursday at 8:30am. Previously, Usop Sontorian aired repeatedly on RTM1 from 2000 to 2002 and RTM2 on April 2005 to January 2006.