Uwa language

The Uwa language, Uw Cuwa, commonly known as Tunebo, is a Chibchan language spoken by between 1,800 and 3,600 of the Uwa people of Colombia, out of a total population of about 7,000.


There are half a dozen known varieties. Communication between modern varieties can be difficult, so they are considered distinct languages.
Adelaar lists the living
Umaña lists Cobaría, Tegría, Agua Blanca, Barro Negro.
Berich lists the dialects Cobaría; Agua Blanca ; Rinconada, Tegría, Bócota, & Báchira
Cassani lists Sínsiga, Tegría, Unkasía, Pedraza, Manare, Dobokubí
Osborn lists
the latter all extinct
Fabre lists:
Additional names in Loukotka are Manare and Uncasica, as well as Morcote, of which nothing is known. Manare, at the source of the Casanare, is Eastern Tunebo.


