Uzma Yousaf

Uzma Yousuf is a Pakistani mountaineer. She is the first female Pakistani mountaineer who climbed 7027m high Spantik Peak, located in the Nagar valley of Gilgit-Baltistan.

Personal life

Yousuf basically belong to Peshawar Pakistan. Belonging to a sports family Yousuf always aimed to be a sports woman but due to social barriers she could not avail the opportunity to be sports woman. She is married and has 2 children.
Yousuf started her climbing career by climbing 6050m high Mingling Sar Mountain located in Shimshal valley of Hunza Gilgit Baltistan. Although Yousuf was not professionally trained for climbing mountains during her first climbing at Mingling Sar Mountain, yet she scaled it. Right after her first achievement, Yousaf made her second achievement by climbing Spantik mountain on 2 August 2017.
Yousaf was stopped to trek the Nanga Parbat base camp by her family saying that you can't do it, and that is why she pursued climbing as a career to show that women can climb mountains like men.

Mountaineering achievements