Vadim Borisovsky
Vadim Vasilyevich Borisovsky was a Russian violist.
Born in Moscow, Borisovsky entered Moscow Conservatory in 1917 studying the violin with Mikhail Press. A year later, on the advice of violist Vladimir Bakaleinikov, Borisovsky turned his attentions to the viola. He studied with Bakaleinikov and graduated in 1922. Borisovsky became Professor of Viola at the conservatory in 1925Between 1922 and 1923, Borisovsky and colleagues from the Moscow Conservatory formed the Beethoven Quartet. He was the quartet's violist until 1964. There are many recordings of Borisovsky with the Beethoven Quartet.
Borisovsky was also a viola d'amore player. He arranged, transcribed and edited more than 250 compositions for viola and viola d'amore.
He died in Moscow, aged 72.
Original compositions
- Concert Etude in A major for viola solo
- Vulcan: Sicilian Tarantella for viola and piano
Arrangements and transcriptions
For harp soloOriginal composer | Russian title | English title | Publication date | Remarks |
anonymous | Парижские колокола | Paris Bells | 1962 | |
anonymous | Скерцо: "Перезвон" | Scherzo: "Carillon" | 1962 | |
Robert de Visée | Траурная аллеманда | Allemande funèbre | 1962 | original for lute |
Sylvius Leopold Weiss | Прелюдия | Prelude | 1962 |
Viola d'amore
For viola d'amore and piano unless otherwise notedOriginal composer | Russian title | English title | Publication date | Remarks |
Louis de Caix d'Hervelois | Непостоянный Грациозная Менуэт Гавот | L'inconstant La gracieuse Menuet Gavotte | 1928 | transcription date 1926; originals for viola da gamba and continuo; alternate parts for violin and cello |
Tommaso Giordani | Мадригал | Madrigal "Caro mio ben" | 1936 | original for voice; also for viola and piano; false attribution to Giuseppe Giordani |
François Joseph Gossec | Tambourin | 1934 | ||
Franz Anton Hoffmeister | Divertimento for viola d'amore solo, 2 horns, 2 violins and basso | 1934 | viola d'amore and piano reduction by Cornelis Kint | |
Alexander Krein | Пролог | Prologue | 1962 | |
Friedrich Wilhelm Rust | Aria con Variazioni | 1934 | original for viola d'amore and basso; reduction by Cornilius Kint |
For viola and piano unless otherwise notedOriginal composer | Russian title | English title | Publication date | Notes |
Alexander Alyabyev | Рондо | Rondo | 1973 | |
Anatoly Nikolayevich Alexandrov | Ария из "Классической сюиты" | Aria | 1937 | original from Classic Suite, Op. 32 for orchestra |
Fikret Amirov | Элегия | Elegy | 1962 | |
anonymous | Контрданс | Contredanse | 1980 | |
Anton Arensky | Вальс | Valse | 1974 | |
Johann Sebastian Bach | Адажио из Органного концерта № 3 | Adagio | 1960 | original from Organ Concerto No. 3 |
Johann Sebastian Bach | Ария из Кантаты № 5: "Пролейся скорее, источник священный..." | Ergieße dich reichlich, du göttliche Quelle from Cantata No. 5 for tenor, viola and piano | 1977 | original for tenor, viola and continuo |
Johann Sebastian Bach | Упражнение для органной педали | Pedal Study for viola solo | 1932 | original for organ |
Wilhelm Friedemann Bach | Весна | Die Frühling | 1961 | original for clavier |
Natalya Baklanova | Русская Народная Песня: «Не белы то снеги» | Russian Folk Song: "The Snow Is Not White" | 1953 | |
Natalya Baklanova | Русская Народная Песня: Прялка «Против красна солнышка» | Russian Folk Song | 1953 | |
Natalya Baklanova | Русская Народная Песня: Плясовая | Russian Folk Song: Dance | 1953 | |
Béla Bartók | Багатель, Соч. 6 № 2 | Bagatelle, Op. 6 No. 2, Sz. 38 | 1975 | original for piano |
Ludwig van Beethoven | Адажио кантабиле, Соч. 13 | Adagio cantabile, Op. 13 | 1961 | original: movement II from Sonata Pathétique for piano |
František Benda | Соната D-dur для двух альтов и фортепиано | Sonata in D major for 2 violas and piano | original for 2 violins and continuo | |
Georges Bizet | Адажиэтто из сюиты "Арлезианка" | Adagietto from "L'Arlésienne" | 1980 | original for orchestra |
Georges Bizet | Интермеццо | Intermezzo | 1980 | original for orchestra from the incidental music L'Arlésienne |
Luigi Borghi | Соната № 1, Соч. 5 | Sonata No. 1, Op. 5 | original for violin and basso continuo | |
Dmitry Bortniansky | Сонатное аллегро | Sonata Allegro | 1967 | original for piano |
Johannes Brahms | Вальс | Waltz in A major, Op. 39 No. 15 | 1936 | original for piano 4-hands |
Antonio Bartolomeo Bruni | Школа для Альта | Viola Method | 1937 | |
Pyotr Bulakhov | Баркарола для двух альтов и фортепиано | Barcarolle in D major for 2 violas and piano | 1950 | original for 2 voices and piano |
Pyotr Bulakhov | Канцонетта | Canzonetta in C major | 1946 | transcription dated 1943 |
Ernest Chausson | Интерлюдия | Interlude | 1980 | original for orchestra from Poème de l'amour et de la mer, Op. 19 |
Frédéric Chopin | Этюд, Соч. 25 № 2 | Étude, Op. 25 No. 2 | 1971 | original for piano |
Frédéric Chopin | Прелюдия, Соч. 28 № 14 | Prélude for viola solo, Op. 28 No. 14 | 1932 | original for piano |
Frédéric Chopin | Вальс | Waltz in A minor, Op. 34 No. 2 | 1950 | original for piano |
Alexander Dargomyzhsky | Элегия | Elegy | 1949 | original: Не спрашивай, зачем: Элегия, Elegy for voice and piano ; words by Alexander Pushkin |
Karl Davydov | Романс, Соч. 23 | Romance sans paroles in G major, Op. 23 | 1953 | original for cello and piano |
Claude Debussy | Лунный свет | Clair de lune | 1956 | original from Suite bergamasque for piano |
Claude Debussy | В лодке | En Bateau | 1956 | original from Petite Suite for piano 4-hands |
Claude Debussy | Прелюд "Девушка с волосами цвета льна" | Prelude "La fille aux cheveux de lin" | 1936 | original for piano |
Дождь | La Pluie jabote... | 1980 | original for cello and piano | |
Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf | Концертная симфония ре-мажор "Двойной концерт" | Sinfonia Concertante in D major for viola, double bass and orchestra, K. 127 | 1962 | |
Alexandre Dubuque | Тарантелла | Tarantella | 1973 | |
Balys Dvarionas | Тема с вариациями | Theme and Variations for viola and orchestra | 1957 | original for bassoon and orchestra |
Andrey Esaulov | Вальс меланхолической | A Melancholic Waltz in E minor | 1946 | transcription dated 1942 |
Gabriel Fauré | Ноктюрн | Nocturne in G major | 1980 | original for string orchestra from the incidental music Shylock, Op. 57 |
Varvara Gaigerova | Сюита | Suite for viola and piano, Op. 8 | 1969 | |
Iosif Genishta | Соната | Sonata for viola or clarinet and piano, Op. 9 | 1961 | |
Tommaso Giordani | Мадригал | Madrigal | 1936 | transcription of Caro mio ben; original for voice; also for viola d'amore and piano |
Alexander Glazunov | Песнь трубадура | Chant du Ménestrel, Op. 71 | 1957 | original for cello and piano or orchestra |
Alexander Glazunov | Грезы | Rêverie in D major, Op. 24 | 1948 | original for horn and piano |
Reinhold Glière | Ноктюрн, Соч. 35 № 10 | Nocturne, Op. 35 No. 10 | 1946 | original for horn and piano |
Reinhold Glière | Русская песня, Соч. 34 № 15 | Russian Song in E minor, Op. 34 No. 15 | 1958 | original for piano; also published in 1961 as Romance, Op. 34 |
Reinhold Glière | Вальс, Соч. 45 № 2 | Waltz, Op. 45 No. 2 | 1946 | original from 12 Easy Pieces, Op. 45 for violin and piano |
Mikhail Glinka | Баркарола | Barcarolle | 1952 | original for piano |
Mikhail Glinka | Детская полька | Children's Polka | 1952 | original for piano |
Mikhail Glinka | Мазурка | Mazurka | 1948 | original for piano |
Mikhail Glinka | Ноктюрн "Разлука" | Nocturne "La Séparation" | 1948 | original for piano |
Mikhail Glinka | Вариации на тему романса А. Алябьева "Соловей" | Variations on Alyabyev's Romance "The Nightingale" | 1973 | original for piano |
Mikhail Glinka | Неоконченная соната | Viola Sonata in D minor | 1932 | completed by Borisovsky |
Christoph Willibald Gluck | Гавот | Gavotte | 1937 | original from the ballet Don Juan |
Alexander Goedicke | Соната № 1, Соч. 10 | Sonata No. 1 in A major, Op. 10 | 1959 | original for violin and piano; viola part also arranged by Mikhail Vladimirovich Reytikh |
Enrique Granados | Интермеццо | Intermezzo | 1936 | original for piano |
Edvard Grieg | Элегия, Соч. 38 № 6 | Elegy, Op. 38 No. 6 | 1935 | original from Lyric Pieces, Op. 38 for piano |
Edvard Grieg | Поэма, Соч. 43 № 5 | Poème, Op. 43 No. 5 | 1950 | original from Lyric Pieces, Op. 43 for piano |
Edvard Grieg | Песня Сольвейг, Соч. 55 № 4 | Solveig's Song, Op. 55 No. 4 | 1971 | original for orchestra from Peer Gynt Suite No. 2 |
Alexandr Griboyedov | Вальс | Waltz in D minor | 1946 | transcription dated 1942 |
Johann Wilhelm Hässler | Элегия | Elegy | 1936 | |
Joseph Haydn | Менуэт | Menuet | 1950 | |
Kara Karayev | Адажио | Adagio | 1962 | from the ballet Seven Beauties |
Kara Karayev | Gypsy Dance | from the ballet Seven Beauties | ||
Aram Khachaturian | Ноктюрн из музыки к драме М. Ю. Лермонтова "Маскарад" | Nocturne | 1980 | from the incidental music for Masquerade |
Aram Khachaturian | Вальс из музыки к драме М. Лермонтова "Маскарад" для двух альтов и фортепиано | Waltz in A minor for 2 violas and piano | 1959 | from the incidental music for Masquerade transcribed 1958 |
Ivan Khandoshkin | Концерт до-мажор | Concerto in C major for viola and orchestra | 1947 | piano reduction and cadenzas also by Borisovsky; Attributed to Khandoshkin but is now thought to be written by Mikhail Goldstein. See Musical hoax. |
Ivan Khandoshkin | Вариации на русскую песню "То теряю, что люблю" | Variations on a Russian Song of Love | 1955 | original for violin and cello, Op. 4 No. 2 |
Ivan Laskovsky | Ноктюрн, Соч. 27 | Nocturne in B major, Op. 27 | 1973 | original for piano |
Franz Liszt | Ноктюрн | Notturno: Liebestraum No. 3, S. 541 | 1963 | original for piano |
Franz Liszt | Поэма | 1963 | ||
Franz Liszt | Прощание | 1963 | ||
Franz Liszt | Романс | Romance | 1966 | |
Franz Liszt | Сонет Петрарки №104 | Sonetto 104 di Petrarca, S. 158 No. 2 | 1966 | original for piano |
Franz Liszt | Сонет Петрарки №123 | Sonetto 123 di Petrarca, S. 158 No. 3 | 1966 | original for piano |
Jean-Baptiste Lully | Две пьесы | 2 Pieces | 1936 | from the opera Atys |
Anatoly Lyadov | Прелюдия | Prelude, Op. 11 No. 1 | 1950 | original from 3 Morceaux, Op. 11 for piano |
Felix Mendelssohn | Песня без слов "Весенняя песня" | Song without Words "Frühlingslied", Op. 62 No. 6 | 1958 | original for piano |
Felix Mendelssohn | Песня без слов | Song without Words, Op. 85 No. 1 | 1958 | original for piano |
Louis-Toussaint Milandre | Анданте и Менуэт | Andante et Menuet | 1980 | |
Modest Mussorgsky | Гопак | Hopak | 1936 | from the opera The Fair at Sorochyntsi |
Nikolai Myaskovsky | Конец сказки | Dernière du Conte, Op. 74 No. 6 | 1953 | original for piano from 6 Morceaux-impromptus, Op. 74 |
Nikolai Myaskovsky | Соната № 2 | Sonata No. 2 in A minor, Op. 81 | 1960 | original for cello and piano |
Vladimir Odoevsky | Вальс | Waltz in G major | 1946 | transcription dated 1942 |
Sergei Prokofiev | Кошка | The Cat | 1962 | from Peter and the Wolf, Op. 67 |
Sergei Prokofiev | Свадьба Киже | Kijé's Wedding | 1980 | from the film Lieutenant Kijé, Op. 60 |
Sergei Prokofiev | Колыбельная | Lullaby | 1962 | from the oratorio On Guard for Peace, Op. 124 |
Sergei Prokofiev | Пьесы из балета "Ромео и Джульетта" |