Vadym Adamyan

Vadym Movsesovich Adamyan is a Soviet and Ukrainian mathematician and theoretical physicist, professor and head of the Department of Theoretical Physics at Odessa University. He is known for his contributions to operator theory and functional analysis.


Adamyan was born in Odessa on 2 December 1938. In 1956-1961 Vadym Movsesovich Adamyan studied at the Odessa I.I.Mechnikov State University. In 1961 he graduated from the Department of Theoretical Physics. The supervisor of his degree work was Yu. A. Tsvirko. In 1961-1964 he was a PhD student in the Odessa Construction Institute, led by an outstanding mathematician, Mark Grigorievich Krein. In 1964-1966 he worked as a senior research fellow at the Odessa Lomonosov Technological Institute.
On 20 June 1966, Vadym Adamyan defended his PhD thesis in functional analysis and the theory of functions specialty at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Yerevan University. Until 1967 he taught at the Department of Mathematics at the Odessa Construction Institute. In the period from 1967 to 1975 he headed a laboratory at the Institute of Physics of Odessa State University.
On 17 October 1974 Vadym Adamyan defended his doctoral thesis in functional analysis and theory of functions at the Academy of Sciences of the Institute of Mathematics in Kiev. In 1975 he returned to his alma mater and took up a position of associate professor, and then, in 1977, full professor. In 1978, Professor Adamyan became the head of the Department of Theoretical Physics at Odessa State University. With a broad scientific outlook, Vadym Movsesovich Adamyan not only supported the traditional themes of the department, but also stimulated the development of new areas, such as plasma physics, solid state physics and recently physics of nanostructures.


Adamyan's principal fields of research are functional analysis and operator theory. In addition, since 1966 he has been working on different problems of theoretical physics, such as plasma theory and the theory of nanostructures.
Throughout his long scientific activity Professor Adamyan worked in universities in Australia, New Zealand, Germany and Spain and received several honorary degrees and awards. In 1994-1995 he was appointed Soros Professor. Vadym Adamyan is a member of American Mathematical Society, the Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik and the Ukrainian Physical Society.