Vagelos Scholars Program in Molecular Life Sciences
The Vagelos Scholars Program in the Molecular Life Sciences is an undergraduate program at the University of Pennsylvania, named after Penn alumnus and MerckCEORoy Vagelos and his wife Diana. The program is directed by Dr. Ponzy Lu, Co-Chair of the College Biochemistry Program. Roy Vagelos donated over 15 million dollars to the University of Pennsylvania in order to create the Roy and Diana Vagelos Laboratories, located in front of the chemistry labs on 34th Street. This money also went to creating the Vagelos Scholars Program in Molecular Life Sciences, an intensive program offered to incoming freshmen attending the University of Pennsylvania. Each May, the Roy and Diana Vagelos Science Challenge Award, equal to the current tuition and fees, is awarded to approximately five outstanding undergraduates within the program. Focusing on the core principles of chemistry, mathematics, and physics, students are required to take at least five courses per semester en route to either 1) a double major in two sciences, or 2) a major in chemistry, biochemistry, or physics and a submatriculatedmaster's degree in the same subject. Included in the program are two paid summers for on-campus research. The Vagelos Program began in 1997 and has graduated eighteen classes as of 2019. Of 277 graduates between 2002 and 2019, 106 have attended PhD programs, 100 have attended MD programs, and 46 have attended MD–PhD programs. With normal attrition, only about ten to fifteen students graduate from fifty entering students.
Program details
A Vagelos Scholar is required to complete 40 credit units in order to graduate within the program. This requires a minimum of five c.u. per semester, though some choose to take more. Most students graduate with a major in biochemistry and then choose to either submatriculate to obtain their master's during their undergraduate years or obtain a dual major in another science. A freshman in the Vagelos Program takesGeneral Chemistry I and II, Calculus I or II, and Physics I and II. Students with AP credit may choose to not take General Chemistry and instead take Honors Chemistry or Organic Chemistry. During a Vagelos Scholar's first year, he or she will also be required to take the Vagelos Scholar's Seminar taught by Dr. Ponzy Lu, the program head. Participation in a faculty research group, of which there are more than 600 located on campus, is required. Participants are encouraged to findwork in a biomedical field, though anything related to their studies is acceptable.