Valeriu Lazarov

Valeriu Lazarov or Valerio Lazarov was a Romanian-born television producer and director of Spanish Channel, Telecinco between 1985–1994.
He defected to Spain in 1968, and was hired the same year by Juan José Rosón to work for RTVE. He became a Spanish citizen in 1972.
He was married seven times: twice in Romania before he defected to Spain in 1968, then in 1970, in Miami, to Cuban singer Elsa Baeza, in 1978 to American actress Didi Sherman, with whom he had two children, in 1989 to Italian Adonella Azzoni, with whom he has two children, to Sonia Costa, and in 2004, in Madrid, to Romanian Augusta Dumitraşcu, who is about 40 years his junior.