Valve Index

Valve Index is a virtual reality headset created and manufactured by Valve. Announced on April 30, 2019, the headset released on June 28, 2019. The Index is a second generation headset and the first to be manufactured by Valve.

Technical specifications


The headset uses a 1440×1600 LCD panel for each eye for a combined resolution of 2880×1600. The panels are full RGB and can operate at refresh rates of 80 Hz, 90 Hz, 120 Hz, or a currently experimental 144 Hz mode. The specified field of view is 130° but users report a practical field of view of 120°.


The headset and controllers both support Valve's Lighthouse 2.0 tracking system, while retaining full compatibility with all previous HTC Vive base stations.


The headset is intended to be used with the Valve Index Controllers, known during development as the Knuckles Controllers, but is also backwards compatible with the HTC Vive and HTC Vive Pro controllers. The Valve Index Controllers have a joystick, trackpad, two face buttons, a menu button, a trigger, and an array of 87 sensors that allow the controllers to track hand position, finger position, motion, and pressure to create an accurate representation of the user's hand in virtual reality. Valve Index supports both the Windows and Linux operating systems.


The Index features "a pair of ultra near-field, full range, off-ear headphones", which use BMR drivers to create accurate and immersive low frequency sounds.


The Index uses a single connection which splits off into video/audio, USB and power.



The Valve Index is Valve's first virtual reality headset developed and manufactured in house, and is planned to be the launch console for Valve's upcoming virtual reality games. Development on a completely first party headset started some time around 2015 according to interviews with staff, before the release of their Vive headset with HTC.


It sold an estimated 149,000 sets in 2019, 103,000 of which were in the 4th quarter because of the announcement of , which buyers will receive for free. The sudden demand caused the unit to be sold out in all 31 countries except Japan in January 2020. As of December 2019, 6.67% of the VR units connected to Steam are Valve Index sets. While Valve had anticipating supply many of those that had ordered the Index in time for the March 2020 release of Half-Life: Alyx, the COVID-19 pandemic impacted production of the Index and leaving Valve short the number of units available for release.