Vancouver system

The Vancouver system, also known as Vancouver reference style or the author–number system, is a citation style that uses numbers within the text that refer to numbered entries in the reference list. It is popular in the physical sciences and is one of two referencing systems normally used in medicine, the other being the author–date, or "Harvard", system. Vancouver style is used by MEDLINE and PubMed.
Hundreds of scientific journals use author–number systems. They all follow the same essential logic, although the trivial details of the output mask, such as punctuation, casing of titles, and italic, vary widely among them. They have existed for over a century; the names "Vancouver system" or "Vancouver style" have existed since 1978. The latest version of the latter is Citing Medicine, per the References > Style and Format section of the ICMJE Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals. These recommendations, the Vancouver Convention and Vancouver guidelines, have a much broader scope than only the citation style: they provide ethical guidelines for writers and rules for co-authorship in scientific collaborations to avoid fraud. The Convention further entails compliance with the Helsinki Declaration, and research projects must be recommended by an independent ethics committee.
In the broad sense, the Vancouver system refers to any author–number system regardless of the formatting details. A narrower definition of the Vancouver system refers to a specific author–number format specified by the ICMJE Recommendations. For example, the AMA reference style is Vancouver style in the broad sense because it is an author–number system that conforms to the URM, but not in the narrow sense because its formatting differs in some minor details from the NLM/PubMed style.


Author–number systems have existed for over a century and throughout that time have been one of the main types of citation style in scientific journals. In 1978, a committee of editors from various medical journals, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, met in Vancouver, BC, Canada to agree to a unified set of requirements for the articles of such journals. This meeting led to the establishment of the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals. Part of the URMs is the reference style, for which the ICMJE selected the long-established author–number principle.
The URMs were developed 15 years before the World Wide Web debuted. During those years, they were published as articles or supplements in various ICMJE member journals. These included the 1991 BMJ publication, the 1995 CMAJ publication and the 1997 Annals of Internal Medicine publication. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, journals were asked to cite the 1997 JAMA version when reprinting the Uniform requirements.
In the early 2000s, with the Web having become a major force in academic life, the idea gradually took hold that the logical home for the latest edition of the URMs would be the itself. For example, as of 2004, the editors of Haematologica decided simply to invite their authors to visit for the 2003 revision of the Uniform requirements.
Since the early to mid-2000s, the United States National Library of Medicine has hosted the ICMJE's "Sample References" pages. Around 2007, the NLM created Citing Medicine, its style guide for citation style, as a new home for the style's details. The ICMJE Recommendations now point to Citing Medicine as the home for the formatting details of Vancouver style. For example, in the December 2013 edition of the ICMJE Recommendations, the relevant paragraph is IV.A.3.g.ii..

Sample usage

Labelling citations

References are numbered consecutively in order of appearance in the text – they are identified by Arabic numerals in parentheses , square brackets , superscript1, or a combination. The number usually appears at the end of the material it supports, and an entry in the reference list would give full bibliographical information for the source:
And the entry in the reference list would be:

Placing citations

Several descriptions of the Vancouver system say that the number can be placed outside the text punctuation to avoid disruption to the flow of the text, or be placed inside the text punctuation, and that there are different cultures in different traditions. The first method is recommended by some universities and colleges, while the latter method is required by scientific publications such as the MLA and IEEE except for in the end of a block quotation. The original Vancouver system documents do not discuss placement of the citation mark.

Format of citations

Different formats exist for different types of sources, e.g. books, journal articles, etc.

Format of names

Formatting for all names is the same.
General Rules for Names:
Although Citing Medicine does not explicitly mandate merging initials, the examples used throughout the book do.

Journal articles

Standard journal articles
As an option, if a journal carries continuous pagination throughout a volume, the month and issue number may be omitted.
The NLM lists all authors for all articles, because it is appropriate for capturing all authors and all of their publications in the MEDLINE database to be found by searches. However, in the reference lists of articles, most journals truncate the list after 3 or 6 names, followed by "et al." :
Optionally, a unique identifier may be added to the citation:
NLM elides ending page numbers and uses a hyphen as the range indicating character. Some journals do likewise, whereas others expand the ending page numbers in full, use an en dash instead of a hyphen, or both.
Virtually all medical journal articles are published online. Many are published online only, and many others are published online ahead of print. For the date of online publication, at the end of the citation NLM puts "" or "" for online ahead of print. In contrast, AMA style puts "" at the end of the article title. It no longer uses the term "Epub" and no longer includes the words "ahead of print". It omits the year from its normal location after the journal title abbreviation if there is no print data to give.
The titles of journals are abbreviated. There are no periods in the abbreviation. A period comes after the abbreviation, delimiting it from the next field. The abbreviations are standardized. The standardization was formerly incomplete and internal to organizations such as NLM. It is now formalized at the supraorganizational level by documents including , ANSI Z39.5, ISO 4: Information and documentation -- Rules for the abbreviation of title words and titles of publications, and the .
Articles not in English
As per journal articles in English:
The NLM adds an English translation of the title enclosed in square brackets right after the title. The language is specified in full after the location, followed by a period.


Surname Initial. Book title. Edition - if available: Publisher, place of publication; Year.
Personal author(s)