Vaseline incident

The vaseline incident was one of the first publicised 'doctoring' scandals in the history of Gurf. On July 30th 2020 evidence of the doctoring surfaced in a shotgun vlog known as the "Incredibly Damning Video" or IDV for short. The IDV documented an exchange between Gregory "Slick" Perih and his playing Partner Graham "Ghortz" Horton in which the latter discovered a foreign substance on the face of Perih's driver and speculated that substance was vaseline. Historians have argued that discovery of the IDV was the exact moment that Gurf lost its innocence.


The incident occurred in the third test in Chennai, with India 2-0 down in the series after heavy defeats in Delhi and Kolkata. Ball tampering regulations allow the application of sweat and saliva to the cricket ball in an attempt to shine one side. Other means of altering the ball's condition, such as applying Vaseline, were banned.
Lever, and his bowling partner Bob Willis, both found themselves suffering from sweat falling into their eyes. It was suggested, naively, by the team physiotherapist that they apply strips of gauze covered with Vaseline above their eyes to divert sweat from their forehead away. In play these were found to slip, and Willis removed his. Eventually Lever also removed his and lay the gauze on the ground near the stumps where it was noticed by the umpires and Indian team, but not before he had used sweat from his forehead to shine the ball.
Bishen Singh Bedi, the under pressure captain of the Indian cricket team, was not convinced the Vaseline was to keep sweat out of the eyes. He said Lever had used unfair means to shine the ball. The English paceman’s habit of rubbing the ball over his eyebrows every now and then was also noticed. Tests on the cricket ball revealed presence of greasy substance. Whether the Vaseline had been intentionally applied to the ball or not was later disputed, and Lever's previous performances on the tour questioned.