Ventura Miguel Marcó del Pont

Buenaventura Miguel Marcó del Pont Ángel Díaz y Méndez was a Spanish merchant and treasurer for the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata.
Marcó del Pont was born in Vigo, Spain, the son of Buenaventura Marcó del Pont y Porí and of Juana Ángel Díaz y Méndez. He migrated to Buenos Aires in the 1790s and established a successful business. A member of the Spanish consulate, the Municipal Council or Cabildo and the Real Consulado de Comercio, he was commissioner of the Real Caja de Consolidacion, in which capacity he had dealings with the Viceroy regarding the collection of taxes in Rio de La Plata. In 1807 he lent the Cabildo more than 12,000 pesos to offset losses incurred in the English invasions. He died December 28, 1836, in Andalucia, Spain.

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