Veritas vos liberabit

Veritas vos liberabit is a variant of Veritas liberabit vos, of the Gospel of John, a statement which Jesus addresses to a group of Jews who believed in Him. Pontius Pilate has the philosopher's response in verse : "Quid est veritas?".


Veritas vos liberabit is the motto of numerous institutions:
Morris Issacson High School, Soweto, South Africa


The English variant "And You Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Make You Free" is carved in stone in the Original Headquarters Building of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Translated into German, Die Wahrheit wird euch frei machen, it is the motto of the University of Freiburg.
The Greek original text :
The Latin version, Veritas liberabit vos, is the motto of :
Translated into Spanish, it is the motto of: la verdad os hará libres.