Vicksburg High School (Michigan)

Vicksburg High School is a 9-12 public high school in Vicksburg, Michigan. It is part of the Vicksburg Community Schools.


In the 2017 US News & World Report rankings, Vicksburg was ranked 82nd in the state of Michigan.


The demographic breakdown for the 794 students enrolled during the 2014-15 school year was:
30.5% of the students were eligible for free or reduced lunch.


The Vicksburg athletic teams are known as the Bulldogs and the school colors are red and white. The Bulldogs compete in the Wolverine Conference. The following MHSAA sanctioned sports are offered at Vicksburg High School:
In November 1977, The Bulldogs were the subject of a two part story in Sports Illustrated, chronicling the impact of high school football on a small town.