Vijnana Bharati
Vijnana Bharati or VIBHA, previously known as "Swadeshi Science Movement" is a Non-profit organisation, working for science popularization & implementation of modern technology & ancient sciences in India. It was founded by the eminent scientists of Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru led by Prof. K.I. Vasu.
The foundation principle is for the development of Swadeshi Sciences. Vijnana Bharati conducts its activities through 22 independent units functioning in various parts of the country. It is a dynamic Science Movement with Swadeshi Spirit, interlinking traditional and modern sciences on one hand, and natural and spiritual sciences on the other hand, adapted to national needs.
Swadeshi Science Movement was founded in 1982 at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, by Prof. K.I Vasu. Prof. KI Vasu & his colleagues’ celebrated the birthday of Sir. C.V. Raman, on 7 November, as Swadeshi Science Day. On 19 December 1990, in Bangalore, some scientists, technologists and social workers met and gave an organizational frame work which, in 1991, at the Nagpur meet, was accepted & all decided to launch the Swadeshi Science Movement at a national level and named it as Vijnana Bharati. The broad objectives and action plan for the organization was created and discussed in detail there. The Nagpur meet was attended by 75 intellectuals from 10 states. The four southern states and the states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, West Bengal and Delhi were representing different scientific disciplines and technical specialties were present. There were general sessions and also group discussions for comprehending the role of S&T in our nation building. Five different groups belonging to Materials sciences, Health sciences, Bio-sciences, Social sciences and Education, discussed on various relevant issues. Particularly, they considered the possibility and practicality of indigenization in various scientific arenas. The policy was not only patriotic, but also imperative, with regards to our dependence on the foreign goods and the resultant financial strain that was driving India into economic distress.Structure
VIBHA is currently the largest scientific movement in India with a massive 20,000 member strong team, along with over 1,00,000 active volunteers covering to a huge reach of 50,00,000 civilians. Majority of the lifetime members are various scientists & researchers spread across the nation. Vijnana Bharati currently has units in 23 states in India. It is currently working in 14 different areas through autonomous institutions, independent organizations & also as project entities.Objectives
Their objectives as described under the Vijnana Bharati directives are as follows- To champion the cause of Bharatiya Heritage with a harmonious synthesis of physical and spiritual sciences which nourish each other and flourish together
- To rejuvenate the Swadeshi Movement in this age of science and technology for the purpose of national reconstruction
- To spearhead the Movement for Swadeshi Sciences and technologies such as Ayurveda, Siddha, Meditation, Organic Agriculture, Vastuvidya, Forestry, Astronomy, Environment, Engineering and the like.
- To activate the Science Movement with a Swadeshi fervor in all the Bharatiya languages and also through the mass media.
- To spread the awareness of the unique contributions of ancient Bharat in the development of modern science
- To motivate young scientists towards greater creativity and originality.
- To approach educational authorities for the inclusion of the information about the scientific heritage in all text books and curricular syllabi;
- To establish provincial branch units of "Vijnana Bharati" and co-ordinate their activities;
- To work towards the development of a common script and scientific terminology for all Bharatiya languages;
- To utilize the R&D personnel and Institutions towards development of Indigenous technology and thereby to uphold the identity and dignity of Bharatiya Science in the comity of nations;
- To interface with the Government and other agencies for the development of appropriate policies on education, economics, science, engineering, technology, industry and the like;
- To encourage the development of appropriate technologies suitable for Bharat, consuming less energy and less capital, but maximum labour with due eco-balance, for meeting the rural needs in a decentralized method to the fullest extent possible
- To confer honors and fellowships on persons of eminence and erudition.
- To make villages self-reliant by imparting traditional and rural technologies to the people.
- To help in giving modern interpretation of various scientific achievements, ancient and modern, by various means.
- To organize science fairs and competitions for educating the masses at large, particularly the younger generation.
- To co-operate/associate with other organizations having similar objectives.
- To publish books and journals, and organize seminars and workshops etc. on the developments in Science & Technology and on policies towards development.
- To establish educational Institutions, training centers, and research establishments for the development and propagation of these programmes.
- To conduct entrepreneurship development programmes on the theme industries with indigenous technology.
World Ayurveda Foundation (WAF)
Igniting Minds
National Environment & Energy Development Mission (NEED Mission)
National Ayurveda Students and Youth Association (NASYA)
Bharatiya Vigyan Sammelan (BVS)
International Institute of Waste management (IIWM)
Global Indian Scientists and Technocrats Foundation (GIST)
Rashtriya Yuva Vaigyanik Manch
Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan
One of the major programmes of VIBHA is Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan - Science Talent Search Examination. VVM has garnered wide acceptance and it acts as a platform which inculcates Swadeshi Spirit and excellence among students over the years. It has been instrumental in shaping talent for the future India.Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan is a national level talent search examination for future India. It is a brain child of Vijnana Bharati and started in Kerala with Shastra Pratibha Matsaram through Swadeshi Science Movement regional chapter of VIBHA since 1999. VVM is totally focused on school going children from class VI to XI for educating and popularizing science among them. It is a platform to inculcate and generate interest in pure science, foster excellence, mentor them for their career in science.
The idea behind the Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan is educating and popularizing science among school students of class VI to XI. VVM also endeavors to identify the bright minds among the student community, who are keen on subjects related to science.
VVM has several objectives:
- To create interest among students in pure science,
- To educate school children about India's progress from traditional to modern contributions to the world of science and technology,
- To provide mentors for preparing students to carry forward their science education at higher levels,
- To provide hands-on training to students through workshops and other events,
- To conduct competitive tests to identify students who have a scientific attitude,
- To organize exposure visits for the winners to various R&D institutions in the country,
- To identify successful students at state and national levels and felicitate them with prizes and certificates.
Vishwa Veda- Vijnan Sammelan
World Ayurveda Congress (WAC) & Arogya Expo
The largest gathering of its kind for exploring new frontiers in the field of medicine, the World Ayurveda Congresses started in the year 2002 at Kochi, Kerala. Global community actively participate in this Congress with great enthusiasm and high expectations. WAC attracts people from all disciplines to present their research works related to Ayurveda and allied sciences. Over 12 years and through five Congresses, the WAC has emerged as a global platform for all stakeholders for networking and engaging in intellectual exchange to strengthen the Ayurveda sector, reaffirm their sense of purpose and envision the future. WAF conducted 6th WAC & AROGYA expo in November 2014 and is claimed ‘to be the largest fair in complementary and alternative healthcare in the world in the recent times.’ The expo witnessed participation of major AYUSH industries from across India Central and State government organizations, hospitals, wellness centres, educational institutions research institutions, etc. The main objective is to propagate Ayurveda in a positive way. Soon after delivery the valedictory address at the 6th World Ayurveda Congress, Prime Minister Narendra Modi created a separate ministry - AYUSH, with Department of Ayurveda and Yoga, among others. Modi, who is known to start his day with a yoga session, expanded his council of ministers, inducting 21 ministers and appointed Shripad Yesso Naik as Minister of State for AYUSH to look after Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. Earlier, AYUSH was a department under the health ministry.Bhartiya Vigyan Sammelan & Expo (BVS)
Four Bhartiya Vigyan Sammelan & Expo have taken place so far. Starting at Bhopal, Indore and Jalandhar & the 4th Bharatiya Vigyan Sammelan and Expo 2015 jointly organized at Goa by VijnanaBharati, Government of Goa and Goa University during 5–8 February 2015.The BVS Expo showcases the Indian achievements in science and technology. Several organizations viz. DAE, DST, CSIR, DRDO, NTPC, NHPC, MNRE, MOES, ISRO etc. including Universities, IITs, NITs along with large number of Innovators showcased their achievements. Additionally, the BVS Expo also showcased traditional arts, crafts, practices, technology from different states of India. The innovators and innovative practices had special attraction of the BVS Expo.
World Ocean Science Congress (WOSC)
World Ocean Science Congress is a quadrennial event. WOSC-2015 was held at Kochi from 5 to 8 February 2015. WOSC serve as a common platform for Oceanographers, Environmentalists, Fishing community, Shipping industry, Navigators, Defense establishments. Ocean technocrats, Policy makers and Legal experts to share ideas and strengthen regional cooperation in the management and conservation of the ocean and its resources. WOSC 2015 was organised jointly by Vijnana Bharati, and Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Kochi. The focal theme of WOSC – 2015 was "Protect Oceans for Posterity".Viswa Veda Vigyan Sammelan
Viswa Veda Vigyan Sammelan is bringing all those who are working in Vedic literature and traditional knowledge on a common dais to present and discuss. With two conferences, VVVS was able to bring out 1200 research papers on Vedic Literature by experts from IITs, IISc and other R&D institutions. Last VVVS was held at Varanasi, UP