Vincent Desportes

Vincent Desportes is a retired French Army general and military theorist.
Desportes graduated from the École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr, specialising in armour warfare. He also holds an engineer's degree, a diplôme d'études approfondies in sociology, a MBA, and graduated from the U.S. Army War College.
He was Military attaché in the French embassy in the USA, aid to the General secretary for national defence, and director of the Centre de doctrine et d'emploi des forces.
Along with Jean-Francois Phelizon, Desportes is co-director of the "Stratégies & Doctrines" collection of Economica editions.
Desportes headed the Collège interarmées de défense in 2008-2010.



Prix Fréville de l'Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques
Prix Vauban de l'Association des Auditeurs de l'IHEDN
English Translation ', Economica, 2008,
Prix de la Saint-Cyrienne 2008
English Translation , Brookings Institution Press, 2009,