Vinnytsia Institute of Economics and Social Sciences

Vinnytsia Institute of Economics and Social Sciences is a structural unit of Open International University of Human Development “Ukraine”.


The institute was founded in 1999 as a structural unit of University “Ukraina”. It has eight departments.


The institute has classrooms and laboratories, resource rooms, an assembly hall, a student café, sports halls and gyms.
Its library holds more than 570,00 copies of scientific, educational, methodological literature, fiction books and periodicals. In addition, a branch of Timiriazev research library with its reading hall functions at the institute.


History of the faculty goes back to 1999, when by the order of President of OIUHD “Ukraina” № 21 dated 20 July 1999, Vinnytsia territorial representation of Higher Education Establishment of OIUHD “Ukraina” was established. Under order № 44 dated 13 April 2001 Social Sciences and Humanities department was founded, which in 2002 was reorganized into Social Sciences and Humanities faculty. From that moment a new stage of formation and development of training, technical, scientific and financial base of a new structural unit – Vinnytsia Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of University “Ukraina” began. Since then the faculty has trained about 3000 students. Full name: Social Sciences and Humanities faculty.
Address: 21050, Vinnytsia, Soborna str, 11.
Phone: 69-77-27.
Oksana P. Liasch, candidate of Psychology, associate professor heads the faculty. Liasch is the author of more than 30 scientific works. 7 articles are devoted to the problem of general and comparative psychology and are published in professional periodicals. She also wrote 2 educational-methodical works and 2 methodological instructions.
The faculty includes:
10 Doctors of sciences, professors, 34 candidates of sciences, associate professors provide for the education process. Lecturers of the chairs are authors of text-books and methodological manuals recommended by MES, articles and abstracts published in professional journals in Ukraine and abroad.
The faculty admits the students to study the courses of Law, Psychology, Sociology and Human Health.
Graduates of Social Sciences and Humanities faculty are experts in legal issues of various types of enterprises and organizations and specialists in social and psychological fields as well as in the field of physical rehabilitation of people.

Economics and Business Faculty

Maryna S. Zaiukova, candidate of Economics, associate professor heads the faculty. Her research work is devoted to the problem of financial support of enterprises development.
Zaiukova is the author of more than 37 scientific works, 32 of them are published in professional periodicals on economics. 4 educational-methodical works and the monographs “Theory of an Enterprise Financial Stability” and “Methodology of Evaluation and Administration of Economic Development of Processing Businesses” are published.
The Economics and Business faculty is designed to organize and coordinate the educational process of all forms of students instruction according to the specialities of the chairs attached to the faculty.
The faculty includes three chairs:
During the period of its existence the faculty has trained over 6 000 students, who work at state and private enterprises and organizations, some of them work abroad.