Vista Alegre, Trujillo

Vista Alegre is a town in the southwest side of Trujillo city, is in Victor Larco Herrera District in the province of Trujillo, La Libertad Region, Peru.


This seaside town located one kilometer approximately from the sea, is completely urbanized and at year 2011 its estimated population is 10,000 people. In this town is located an office of the RENIEC located at the intersection of Larco avenue and Ayacucho street.


In the education sector there are several schools as Víctor Larco and Andrés Avelino Cáceres. In Health sector this town has the Vista Alegre Hospital inaugurated in July 2011 intended for the attention of the district's population Victor Larco Herrera. In the sports sector, it is used the Vista Alegre Stadium where develops the league championship soccer Victor Larco. Manuel Seoane Avenue is the main thoroughfare of the town which extends up to Buenos Aires beach.

Main Streets

Main square of Vista Alegre is located at coordinates 79° 02' 53.61" longitude west of Greenwich meridian and 8° 8' 20.26" latitude south. In this central square is located the church of Vista Alegre, "Andrés Avelino Cáceres" school and Hospital Vista Alegre. Due to its proximity to the Pacific Ocean, 1 km from Buenos Aires beach, Vista Alegre has a temperate climate in the day, cold and wet at night without extreme temperatures. In winter, temperatures range between 14°C and 18°C with a humidity between 88% to 94%.


