Vitali Baganov

Vitali Aleksandrovich Baganov is a Soviet, then Scottish actor of film and television currently based in the United States who guest starred as Valery the Russian gangster in The Sopranos episode Pine Barrens. He also appeared as Valery in ...To Save Us All from Satan's Power. Baganov also voiced Ray Bulgarin in Grand Theft Auto IV and .


Vitali Baganov was born in Leningrad, Russian RSFSR, Soviet Union
Baganov studied astronomy in Leningrad State University then transferred to the Leningrad State Institute for Theatre, Music and Cinematography. After graduation, he worked at Memorial Lenin Komsomol Theatre and Komissarjevsky Theatre. He was filmed in a number of Soviet films. In 1991 he emigrated to the United States.
Along with The Sopranos Baganov has appeared in the US television series Louie and The Americans.
