Vladimir Kolupaev

Vladimir Kolupaev is a historian, Doctor of Historical Sciences, a graduate of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts and Catholic priest.


Since 1989 Kolupaev has been a monk named Rostislav, ordained in 1989 an Orthodox priest, but in 2004 moved to Catholicism, joining the UGCC Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Lviv.
Kolupaev has various topics of scientific interest: history, culture and religious life of Russian abroad. Historical subjects taught in Moscow, Kaluga, Obninsk and Novosibirsk. Author of several books and research papers in Russian and foreign publications, member of national and international scientific conferences. Member of the International Scientific Committee and the Italian edition of the magazine La Nuova Europa.
Member of editorial board of scientific and educational journal "Studia Humanitatis".
He works at the Christian Russia centre in Seriate, Italy.
Member of a database " Personalità: Martiri - Chiesa cattolica, Confessori DELLA Fede - Chiesa cattolica "
Spiritual assistant to the international movement "Mothers Prayers"
Father Kolupaev lives in Italy.


PhD thesis: "Russians in North Africa 1920 - 1998."
Doctoral thesis: "Publishing activities of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad in the 20th century."
Brussels publishing " Life with God ": Book World Russians abroad in the 20th century. Radiomissiya for Soviet listeners. Monograph. Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co., 2012. 336 p., Ill. UDC 002.2 325.2 BBK 76.17 +86.3 to 61 Scientific Publication
"Life of Bishop Paul Meleteva : Serving Church and Homeland in Russia, in the Soviet Union and abroad. " Monograph. Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co., 2012. 125 s., Ill.,
Orthodox book Russians abroad in the first half of the 20th century : the history of the printing fraternity Job Pochaev, Volyn - Carpathians, 1903 - 1944. Monograph. M.: Publisher "Pashkov House", 2010. 272 p., Ill. Scientific Publication
Russians in the Maghreb. Monograph. M.: Publisher "Pashkov House", 2009. 415. ill. Scientific Publication
Russian Church's presence in China, the Byzantine Rite Catholic Exarchate in Harbin 1928 - 1949. Monograph. 2013. p. 122. Scientific Publication