Vukša Veličković

Vukša Veličković is a Serbian-Hungarian writer, cultural critic, and online producer. He has written about London culture and lifestyle on his blog City of Doom and has published essays and magazine articles on pop culture across various media in the UK, Europe and the US.
His first novel Gužva, published by Alexandria Press in 2003, contained a book-soundtrack CD featuring emerging electronic artists from the Balkans.
Velickovic received the Chevening Scholarship in 2010 to complete his master's degree in Identity, Culture and Power from University College London. He is a former Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna.
In 2011, Velickovic founded Bturn, online culture magazine for the Balkans where he worked as Editor-in-Chief until its folding in 2014. He was the author of If I were column in Belgrade's 'Prestup' magazine from 2003-2006, in which he dealt with applied pop-politics, enacting different social roles – the prime minister's chauffeur, a beggar, a TV news presenter, or a drag queen on the trail of a mass grave.
He maintained a column on from 2005-2007 and was the culture editor in Serbian newsmagazine Evropa until its folding in February 2008. He is also a performing artist, interacting his writings with other media such as music, video and photography. His second novel 'Vrt Uzivanja' was staged as a multimedia act at international festivals in Belgrade and Zagreb.
Velickovic has been the Head of Digital Media & Communications at Hominid Studio advertising agency since 2013.
He performs live as an acoustic one-man "trance blues" musician under the stage name Frank Magnolia, with a self-released debut album "Almost There" in 2019.