Władysław Tarnowski

Count Władysław Tarnowski was a pianist, composer, poet, dramatist, and translator.
, 1877.


He was the son of Count Walerian Spycimir Tarnowski and Ernestyna Tarnowska. Recognized as talented at an early age, he was introduced to famed composer Frédéric Chopin. He studied in Lvov and Cracow, with Daniel-François-Esprit Auber at the Conservatoire de Paris, with a break during the time of the January Uprising of 1863-1864, during which he wrote the song "Jak to na wojence ładnie" which remains popular to the modern day, in various alterations. He traveled widely, giving concerts in Wroclaw in 1860 and 1875, Lvov in 1875, Vienna, Venice and Firence in 1872, and Paris in 1873.




With piano accompaniment:
The patron of the art, poems, the articles, reviews of literary works.

Literary works
