Włodzimierz Borodziej

Włodzimierz Borodziej is a Polish historian and writer specializing in contemporary European history with particular focus on Polish-German relations. Borodziej is a professor of humanistic sciences, and former prorector of the Warsaw University.


Włodzimierz Borodziej is the son of Lieutenant-Colonel Wiktor Borodziej from the former Polish secret police Służba Bezpieczeństwa who reportedly helped his son acquire German high school education in Berlin and in Vienna while serving abroad. Discussion of his father and his involvement with the secret operation Żelazo against political targets in Western Europe, has caused some controversy in Polish academia, as some comentators see it as irrelevant, and an attempt to discredit his son's work due to family background.
Włodzimierz Borodziej graduated with a master's degree from the Warsaw University in 1979. In 1984 Borodziej received a title of Doctor of Philosophy from his own alma mater, followed by habilitation earned in 1991 for his scientific treatise Poland in international relations between 1945 and 1947. In 2004 he received the title of professor of humanistic sciences at Warsaw University, where in 1999–2002 Borodziej served as prorector.


Borodziej is the author of The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 published in Polish, German and English. In his book he paints a complex picture of the everyday life in the embattled city, describes the Home Army operations, as well as supply situation and medical challenges in the capital.

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