Wacław Kiełtyka
Wacław "Vogg" Kiełtyka is a Polish musician and composer, best known as the guitarist of prominent death metal band Decapitated. In addition to Decapitated, Wacław has been the guitarist of Lux Occulta since 1998, as well as a former member of the Krakow group Sceptic. He also worked with the death metal band Vader. He is a graduate of musical school in the first and second degree, and attended the Academy of Music in Kraków as an accordionist.
Kiełtyka auditioned for second guitarist of Morbid Angel after the departure of Erik Rutan in 2006. Before joining Vader in 2009, Kiełtyka was a music store salesman. He also worked as a guitar technician for the band Hypocrisy.
On September 28, 2019, Kiełtyka was named as the new Machine Head lead guitarist in a post on the bands Facebook page by founding member Robb Flynn.Instruments
; Guitars
; Amplifiers, cabinets, and effects
- EVH 5150 Amplifiers and Cabinets
- BOSS Pedals: NS-2, DD-3, TU-2
- Digitech Whammy Pedal
- Laboga Mr. Hector Amplifier
- Laboga Cabintes 4×12 V30
- Morley Bad Horsie II
- Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Amplifier
- Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier Amplifier
- Crate Excalibur Amplifier
- Marshall Valvestate Amplifier
- Randall Warhead Amplifier
- Bogner Ubershall Amplifier
- Diezel Herbert Amplifier
- VHT Pitbull Amplifier
- Randall RH300 Amplifier
- Engl Special Edition E670 Amplifier
; As band member
- Lux Occulta - My Guardian Anger
- Decapitated - Winds of Creation
- Decapitated - The First Damned
- Lux Occulta - The Mother and the Enemy
- Decapitated - Nihility
- Decapitated - The Negation
- Decapitated - Organic Hallucinosis
- Vader - Necropolis
- Decapitated - Carnival Is Forever
- Lux Occulta - Kołysanki
- Decapitated - Blood Mantra
- Decapitated - Anticult
; Guest appearances
- Blindead - Autoscopia / Murder In Phazes
- Virgin Snatch - Act of Grace
- Thy Disease - Anshur-Za
- Neolith - Individual Infernal Idimmu
- Crionics - N.O.I.R.
- Acid Drinkers - Fishdick Zwei - The Dick Is Rising Again
- Saratan - "Antireligion"
- Death Denied - Appetite For Booze
- Newbreed - Newbreed
- Ketha - 2nd Sight