Waiting in the Summer is 2012 Japanese anime television series animated by J.C.Staff, produced by Genco and Geneon, and directed by Tatsuyuki Nagai. The screenplay was written by Yōsuke Kuroda with original character design by Taraku Uon, who both contributed in the creation of the Please! franchise. The 12-episode series aired in Japan between January and March 2012 on TV Aichi and KBS. Sentai Filmworks has licensed the anime for release in North America. The staff of the anime returned to produce an original video animation episode in August 2014. A manga adaptation illustrated by Pepako Dokuta was serialized in ASCII Media Works' Dengeki Daioh magazine.
The Waiting in the Summer anime television series directed by Tatsuyuki Nagai and produced by J.C.Staff and Genco began airing in Japan on January 10, 2012 on the TV Aichi and KBS television networks. The screenplay was written by Yōsuke Kuroda, who originally conceived the series with original character designer Taraku Uon. Masayoshi Tanaka based the character design used in the anime on Uon's concepts. The music was mainly produced by Maiko Iuchi, with other members of I've Sound, and the sound director is Jin Aketagawa. The opening theme is "Sign" sung by Ray, featuring lyrics written by Kotoko and composed by Shinji Orito of Key. The ending theme is "Vidro Moyō" sung by Nagi Yanagi, who also wrote the lyrics, and is composed by Tomoyuki Nakazawa of I've Sound. The single for "Sign" was released on February 8, 2012, and the single for "Vidro Moyō" was released on February 29, 2012. Sentai Filmworks has licensed the anime for release in North America, and Crunchyroll is streaming the series in North and South America. Madman Entertainment licensed the series for release in Australia and New Zealand. The staff of the anime returned to produce an original video animation episode released with the Blu-ray box set on August 29, 2014. Sentai Filmworks re-released the series with an English dub on August 20, 2019.
An internet radio show to promote Waiting in the Summer called Ichika to Rinon no Natsu Machi Radio had a pre-broadcast on December 26, 2011. It ran for 12 weekly broadcasts between January 16 and April 30, 2012. Produced by Hibiki Radio Station, the show was hosted by Haruka Tomatsu and Rina Hidaka.
A manga adaptation illustrated by Pepako Dokuta was serialized between the March 2012 and February 2013 issues of ASCII Media Works' Dengeki Daioh magazine. ASCII Media Works released three tankōbon volumes from March 27, 2012 to February 27, 2013. Media Factory published two light novels, written by Ichika Toyogawa with illustrations by Taraku Uon: the first on March 22, 2012 and the second on July 23, 2012. An art book titled The Art of Natsu de Matteru was published by Mitsumura Suiko Shoin on July 18, 2012.