Moers held odd jobs after leaving school before starting a commercial apprenticeship. He taught himself how to draw, and has been publishing since 1984. He first became known for cartoon-like comics that were marked by an ironic view of the world and a conscious violation of political correctness. Many of his works first appeared in the satirical magazine Titanic. Although he doesn't contribute to the magazine anymore, he's still listed as contributor. His last work published in 'Titanic' was the Superhero-Parody 'Deadman'. His best-known comic characters are:
Das kleine Arschloch, a precocious and irreverent little boy who constantly gets one over on the adults.
Der alte Sack, a terminally ill old man in a wheel chair who makes sarcastic comments on what he sees.
Adolf, die Nazisau, an absurd interpretation of Adolf Hitler in today's world.
Käpt'n Blaubär, a sea-faring bear with blue fur, who spins ridiculous pirate yarns, all of which, he claims, are true.
In addition to these comics clearly intended for an adult audience, Moers also writes stories and books that he has been publishing since 1985. In 1988, his first "Käpt'n Blaubär" story was published, a character that has since been popular on TV, in books, and in audio cassettes. Starting in 1999 with The 13½ Lives of Captain Bluebear, Moers has more recently become known for his novels, especially the Zamonia series. Moers wrote both the script and the song lyrics for the movie Kleines Arschloch - Der Film and the script for the movie Käpt'n Blaubär - Der Film.
Zamonia series
The first novel of the Zamonia series, Die 13½ Leben des Käpt’n Blaubär, was originally published in 1999. The Captain Bluebear appearing in this novel is very distinct from the one portrayed in a popular German children's seriesSendung mit der Maus. There, Captain Bluebear appears as a grandfather, whereas he is still a youngster in the novel. The book is written for adolescents and adults rather than for children. It introduces the reader to the fictional world of Zamonia by providing, among other things, a detailed map and descriptions of its various inhabitants. The second Zamonia novel is Ensel und Krete which has not been published in English. Even though the title intentionally misspells Hansel and Gretel, the plot of Walter Moers' shows only remote parallels to it. After Ensel und Krete, the Zamonia series continued with Rumo & His Miraculous Adventures, The City of Dreaming Books, The Alchemaster's Apprentice, Prinzessin Insomnia & der alptraumfarbene Nachtmahr , and The Labyrinth of Dreaming Books. All of these novels, except Captain Bluebear and Rumo, include prefaces that explains to the reader that the fictional characterHildegunst von Mythenmetz is the actual author and that Walter Moers only translated the books from the Zamonian language to German. In the Zamonia series, each book contains detailed illustrations drawn by Moers; many portray creatures that Moers invented himself. Apart from these drawings, neologisms, anagrams and intertextuality play a key role in the style of Moers' novels.