Warren S. Brown

Warren S. Brown is director of the Travis Research Institute and Professor of Psychology in the Graduate School of Psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary. Dr. Brown received his doctorate in Experimental Physiological Psychology from the University of Southern California. Prior to Fuller, Brown spent 11 years as a research scientist at the UCLA Brain Research Institute. Brown was a founding member of the National Organization for Disorders of the Corpus Callosum, the International Research Consortium on the Corpus Callosum and Cerebral Connectivity, and the International Society for Science and Religion. Brown and his wife founded the annual "Warren and Janet Brown Scholarship" at Fuller that supports students in neuropsychological research.

Neuropsychological research

Warren Brown is involved in experimental neuropsychological research related to functions of the corpus callosum of the brain and its relationship to higher cognitive processes in humans. In particular, he has been studying the implications of agenesis of the corpus callosum. Brown has been interested in the implications of this disorder for mental abilities and social awareness. Over the last 20 years has conducted one of the largest studies accomplished thus far on cognitive and social disabilities of individuals with agenesis of the corpus callosum. He has authored or coauthored over 80 scholarly articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals; 15 chapters in edited scholarly books; and over 150 presentations at scientific meetings.

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