Warrnambool Cheese and Butter

Warrnambool Cheese & Butter Factory Company Holdings Limited is an Australian-based dairy company, majority-owned by Saputo Inc., a Canadian company, that manufactures a range of dairy products under various brands. The business is based in Allansford, Victoria and is the oldest dairy processor in Australia, having been established in 1888.


The Company was registered on 28 May 1888 and the construction of factory facilities followed. In fact, two co-operative companies opened cheese and butter factories in Victoria in 1888; the first to open, on 22 October, was the Cobden and District Cheese and Butter Factory Company Ltd, and then on 14 November the Warrnambool Cheese & Butter Factory Co. Ltd. opened their factory in Allansford. At the start, the main product was cream, which was taken to Melbourne by rail. However, butter production expanded during the 1890s, and by 1900, Victoria had 304 butter factories.
Initially, Warrnambool Cheese & Butter Factory sourced their milk from local farmers, and in 1889 all suppliers became shareholders.

Current business

The company produces cheese, butter, cream and dairy ingredients, roughly half of which is sold overseas. Local brands include the Sungold milk, Coon cheese, Cracker Barrel, Mil Lel, Great Ocean Road and Warrnambool Cheddar cheeses. It also one of the two Australian producers making nutraceutical products from milk extracts, including bone supplements and baby formula.
They also own and run the tourist attraction called Cheese World, close to the factory, which includes a dairy farm museum and an opportunity to sample cheeses, as well as a shop and cafe.