Watch Your Step (film)

Watch Your Step is a 1922 American silent comedy film directed by William Beaudine. It stars Cullen Landis, Patsy Ruth Miller, Bert Woodruff, and George C. Pearce. Life considered the film to be a "fabulously expensive production". With no record of a print in any collection, it is likely a lost film.


As described in a film magazine, Elmer Slocum, a wealthy city youth, while trying to elude the police in his high powered automobile, has a smashup and, in a rough and tumble fight with a motorcycle policeman, knocks him out. He is robbed of his clothes by a group of tramps. He tries to hide from the police in a small village in Iowa and there meets Margaret Andrews, daughter of the richest man in town. He gets a position at a grocery store run by Russ Weaver and learns that he has a rival for the hand of Margaret in Lon Kimball, son of an undertaker. In a fight with Lon, Elmer comes off victorious, but a constable arrests him. Things look dark for Elmer until his father Henry Slocum with news that the motorcycle policeman has recovered and all has been forgiven.
