
WebYeshiva.org is a pioneering
online yeshiva and midrasha.
It is unique in that its classes are presented live, and are fully interactive, replicating the structure of a traditional shiur.
Its offering extends through Semicha.
It was founded in November 2007 by Rabbi Chaim Brovender
and is directed by Rabbi Jeffrey Saks.
WebYeshiva is a project of the Academy for Torah Initiatives and Directions.
It is headquartered on HaNassi St., in Jerusalem, near the President's House.

Structure and approach

The Yeshiva's goal is to offer Torah classes to students around the world via the internet;
it draws on the large resource of quality teachers with high levels of study and knowledge in and around Jerusalem.
WebYeshiva offers advanced course-based Torah study for men and women,
including classes in Talmud, Tanach, Halacha, Chassidut, and Machshava ;
some are offered in various languages.
Its offering thus replicates that of a traditional Yeshiva; see Yeshiva #Curriculum.
Students may learn live, fully interacting with the teacher and other students.
For students who cannot attend live, all classes are recorded in several formats and archived within 24 hours. This gives students the option of downloading the classes and learning on their own time.


In 2010 WebYeshiva launched TorahTutors.org, which aimed to create programs fitted to the needs of the user, including professionals looking for chavruta study, Jewish day school students requiring a tutor for Torah subjects, or Jewish homeschooling.
In 2013 WebYeshiva launched an advanced track, the "Halacha Mastery Program",
focused on in-depth study of the major practical halachic topics - Shabbat, Kashrut, Niddah, Avelut - with their sources.
The program is offered to men and women, and spans three-years.
It comprises six courses, three mandatory and three elective, where each requires sitting a midterm and then final examination.
Students who complete all courses and pass the tests, receive a certificate.
From 2016, male students who complete the Halacha Mastery Program may proceed to an intensive Semicha track.
In 2017 WebYeshiva first gave rabbinical ordination to students completing the track and its requirements; the Semicha certificate is signed by Rabbi Brovender and Rabbi David Fink.
In 2015 WebYeshiva launched an online sofer stam certification program for men. The course was ten weeks, with each session lasting 90 minutes and upon completion of all course materials and passing the exam students may be certified as a Sofer Stam, a Jewish ritual scribe.

Notable Partnerships

Webyeshiva partners with the S.Y. Agnon House in Jerusalem by offering courses on the writer's works that are broadcast directly from his residence.

Notable Educators

The founders:
Rabbi Chaim Brovender is the Rosh Yeshiva of WebYeshiva.org and President of ATID. He is the founding Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Hamivtar and Michlelet Bruria. Rabbi Brovender was one of the first Orthodox Jewish rabbis to teach Talmud to women, and most WebYeshiva classes have both male and female students.
Rabbi Jeffrey Saks is the founding Director of ATID, and as of February 2019 is editor of the journal “Tradition.” He received his bachelor's degree, master's degree, and rabbinical ordination from Yeshiva University.
Other notable faculty include: