Werner von Strucker

Werner von Strucker is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
The character has seen a live-action adaptation in the Marvel Cinematic Universe TV series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. portrayed by Spencer Treat Clark in the third and fifth seasons.

Publication history

Werner von Strucker first appeared in Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol. 2 #1 and was created by Bob Harras.

Fictional character biography

Werner von Strucker is the oldest son of Baron Wolfgang von Strucker and the half-brother of twins Fenris.
Werner briefly takes over Hydra during one of his father's supposed deaths. Later Wolfgang returns from the dead via the Death Spore virus. Werner uses his influence to try to gain part of the territory of the Kingpin after he falls from power. The conference that would divide up the Kingpin's territory is set in Las Vegas.
At first, Werner's forces detain two spies, who were in reality Microchip and Mickey Fondozzi, two associates of the Punisher. They claim to be Four and Eight, members of the organization called the Secret Empire, one of Werner's fellow conference attendees. Not wanting to risk a rift with the Empire, Werner thus declines to kill them. Via a spy, the Empire learns of the two prisoners. Coincidentally, the real Four and Eight had not shown up for the Kingpin division meeting. The Secret Empire becomes convinced that Four and Eight have turned traitor. They send Chainsaw and his Praetorians, a motorcycle gang, to attack the entire group.
Werner survives the attack. He attends a later meeting of the criminal organizations, assisted by a brown-haired man. This assistant is really his father Baron Strucker. The meeting descends into violence, part of it resulting from Werner's siblings believing that he is not a worthy successor to their father. After the meeting breaks up, Baron Strucker slays Werner via the Death Spore virus and steps into power once again. Werner's corpse is found by a super-powered vigilante named Terror. The vigilante steals one of Werner's eyes in order to gain information about the recent criminal meetings.

In other media