Wesley Muhammad

Dr. Wesley Muhammad born June 14 in Detroit, Michigan is an American author, professor, scholar, and a minister in the Nation of Islam. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies from Morehouse College, graduating with honors in 1994. In 2003 Dr. Muhammad received a master's degree in Islamic Studies from the University of Michigan, whence he also received a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies with a focus on Early Theological Development in Islam.
Dr. Muhammad's research has been published or accepted for publication in some of the most respected peer-reviewed journals of his fields: The International Journal of Middle East Studies, The Journal of the American Oriental Society, The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, and The Harvard Theological Review. Dr. Muhammad has recently been asked to contribute to the much anticipated upcoming Encyclopedia of Muhammad, to be published by one of the leading Western publishers in academic and reference publications. Dr. Muhammad has taught courses on Islamic Studies, Religious Studies, African American Religion, and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Michigan, the University of Toledo, and Michigan State University.
On January 10, 2010, the United Muslim Alliance and the New Black Panther Party presented Dr. Muhammad with The Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammad Sayful Islam Award, and on January 30, 2010, Student Minister Rodney Muhammad and the members of Muhammad Mosque Number 12 in Philadelphia, and the Delaware Valley Region presented him with the Defender of the Ummah Award.
Dr. Muhammad is currently a scholarly aide to Minister Louis Farrakhan at Nation of Islam National Headquarters Mosque Maryam in Chicago.