West-Siberian Metal Plant

West-Siberian Metal Plant ' is a metal plant in the city of Novokuznetsk in Kemerovo Oblast in southwestern Siberia, founded on 27 July 1964. The West-Siberian Metallurgical Plant is owned and operated by EVRAZ. The company's name is abbreviated to ZSMK '. It is one of the largest smelters in the Siberian region and the fifth-largest metallurgical plant in Russia. ZSMK's products are sold in over 30 different countries around the world.
In 2016, over 5.4 million tons of pig iron and over 6.9 million tons of steel were produced by the Metallurgical Plant.


Aleksandr Vladimirovich Frolov has been the CEO of EVRAZ since 2009. According to Forbes, he had a net worth of $2.4 billion as of July 2019 and ranked #838 on the Forbes List of Billionaires.