West Sound (Ayrshire)

West Sound is an Independant local radio station in Ayrshire. Based in Clyde 1's studios in Clydebank. with its AM transmitter in Symington, South Ayrshire and its DAB transmitter in Darvel, East Ayrshire, the station forms part of the Greatest Hits Radio network in Scotland and northern England.


All of West Sound's programming is carried from Greatest Hits Radio's network of locally branded Scottish stations with some off-peak output also carried from GHR's sister network in England.
Networked programming originates from the studios of Clyde 2 in Clydebank, Forth 2 in Edinburgh, Tay 2 in Dundee and from Greatest Hits Radio's Birmingham, London and Manchester studios.


West Sound broadcasts local news bulletins hourly from 6am to 7pm on weekdays and from 7am to 1pm at weekends. Headlines are broadcast on the half hour during weekday breakfast and drivetime shows, alongside sport and traffic bulletins.
National bulletins from Sky News Radio are carried overnight with bespoke networked Scottish bulletins at weekends, produced from Radio Clyde's newsroom in Clydebank.