Westend Verlag

The Westend Verlag publishing house was founded in January 2004 in Frankfurt am Main, by Mark J. Karsten and Michael Morganti, first as a" one-book-publishing ": The title "50 einfache Dinge, die Sie tun können, um die Welt zu retten" appeared in September of that year and quickly became a huge success. The theme of the program are non-fiction books on topics such as politics, economy, society and ecology.
Among the authors :de:Jean-Christophe Ammann|Jean-Christophe Ammann, :de:Justus Frantz|Justus Frantz, :de:Rainer Hunold|Rainer Hunold, :de:Albrecht Müller |Albrecht Müller and :de:Peter Zudeick|Peter Zudeick