Over the past 200 years, the United States has lost more than 50% of its wetlands. And even with the current focus on wetland conservation, the US is losing about of wetlands per year. However, from 1998 to 2004 the United States managed a net gain of of wetlands. The past several decades have seen an increasing number of laws and regulations regarding wetlands, their surroundings, and their inhabitants, creating protections through several different outlets. Some of the most important have been and are the Migratory Bird Act, Swampbuster, and the Clean Water Act.
Some of the laws and regulations with notable impact on wetland conservation are:
Most states of the US have their own set of agencies that also oversee some wetland conservation. These are usually in the form of something like a Department of Natural Resources or Fish and Game Department. These groups typically control licensing, hunting limits, prairie
There are many private groups that practice wetlands conservation. The largest of these players is Ducks Unlimited, as they are one of a few focused nearly entirely on wetlands. Their mission statement is:
Ducks Unlimited conserves, restores, and manages wetlands and associated habitats for North America's waterfowl. These habitats also benefit other wildlife and people.
They have conserved more than of wetlands in North America and influenced another. The Nature Conservancy, Audubon Society, and Pheasants Forever are a few more of the large private groups that focus part of their time and resources on wetlands conservation. Individuals should not be overlooked in their contributions, as they are often the most direct route to protecting and restoring wetlands.
Conservation strategies
Nearly all wetland conservation work is done through one of 4 channels. They consist of easements, land purchase, revolving land, and monetary funding. Conservation easements can meet the needs of interested owners of working farms, ranches, timberlands, sporting properties and recreational lands, who wish to protect valuable natural resources while retaining ownership of the property. In locations where wildlife habitat has been degraded & the land is for sale, DU will seek to acquire it. Once purchased, the habitat will be restored and easements will be placed on land to perpetually protect resource values. In special cases, where intact waterfowl habitat is at imminent risk or of high importance, groups or individuals may seek to acquire the property instead. Once purchased, the habitat is restored and can be entered into easements to ensure their continued protection or be kept in their ownership. Monetary funding exists most often as a subsidy, grant, or tax-break from the government. Instead of doing all the work and labor themselves, they seek to encourage others to take on those tasks themselves. All of these methods are important to ensuring protection for wetlands, now and in the future.