White Water (pinball)

White Water is a 1993 pinball game designed by Dennis Nordman and released by Williams. The theme is based on white water rafting, which is reflected in the game's 'wild' ramps and very fast game-play.


White Water is a non-licensed pinball machine with a primary objective of moving your raft down the river to "Wet Willy's" in order to get the "Vacation Jackpot." You move your raft down the river by shooting the flashing "Hazard" shots, each with a unique rafting theme name. Each time you complete a raft, the number of "Hazard" shots you must hit successfully to complete the next raft increases. It takes eight completed rafts to advance to "Wet Willy's." Successfully completing "Wet Willy's" enables the player to attempt the collection of the "Vacation Jackpot." There are subsequent objectives in the game, which include:
White Water was available as a licensed table of The Pinball Arcade for several platforms until June 30, 2018.
In 2019, Zen Studios, having acquired the license to develop digital conversions of Williams pinball tables a few years prior, announced that they will release a digital version of White Water as part of the fourth wave of Williams pinball table conversions, due to be available for purchase for Pinball FX 3 on May 28, 2019.