Widya Mandala Catholic University

Widya Mandala Catholic University is a leading Roman Catholic private research university in Surabaya, Indonesia that was established in 1960. It is famous for its academic excellence with the motto of "non scholae sed vitae discimus" which means "we do not learn for school, but for life".
Widya Mandala Catholic University ranks at the top of Indonesia’s private universities fields of study and distinguished alumni. According to the Department of Higher Education, Widya Mandala Catholic University is one of Indonesia's excellent private universities as the university appears in the Top 50 Promising Indonesian Universities.
UKWM has three campuses in the city of Surabaya, Indonesia.
Widya Mandala Catholic University is especially known for its academic excellence in the fields of Accounting, Food Technology, Chemical Engineering, Pharmacy, Management, and the Doctoral program in Economics. The university is owned by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Surabaya and is being managed by the Diocese under the Widya Mandala Foundation.


  1. Department of Accounting
  2. Department of Management
  3. International Business Management Program
  4. Master Program in Management
  5. PhD Program in Economics
  6. Diploma Program in Accounting
  1. Department of Language and Arts
  2. Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  3. Master Program in English Education
  1. Department of Pharmacy with a Pharmacist or Apoteker specialization degree
  1. Department of Chemical Engineering
  2. Department of Electrical Engineering
  3. Department of Industrial Engineering
  1. Department of Food Technology
  1. Department of Medicine with a Medical Doctor specialization degree
Widya Mandala Catholic University is a founding member of APTIK or the Association of Catholic Universities in Indonesia and a member of ASEACCU.
UKWM is connected through partnership and alliances with universities in Australia, Europe, Asia, and North America. These alliances provide unparalleled access to new learning opportunities and student exchanges.
