Supposedly set in the world of The Lion King, the series follows friends Timon and Pumbaa as they learn to be "Safety Smart" by taking precautions such as being aware of your surroundings. The main storyline for the series is Timon not knowing/following proper safety guidance, and Pumbaa teaching it to him. At the end of each episode, Timon and Pumbaa sing a musical number reviewing all that they learned from the episode in question. Disney explains: "The two loveable characters will teach students in kindergarten through third grade the importance of always being on the look-out for safety problems. Together with Timon and Pumbaa, students will learn a variety of safety lesson that will help themselves and others avoid injuries".
Simba and his mother Sarabi make a cameo appearance in Safety Smart: Go Green! in which Timon misunderstands a CFL light bulb as a "cute fluffy lion."
Safety Smart: At Home! - Pumbaa teaches Timon how to be safe in a house
Safety Smart: Goes Green! - Pumbaa teaches Timon what they can do to make the Earth a safe, healthier place from picking up trash and recycling it and conserving the resources.
Safety Smart: In the Water! - Timon and Pumbaa discuss water safety.
Safety Smart: About Fire! - Timon and Pumbaa discuss fire safety.
Safety Smart: Healthy and Fit! - Pumbaa teaches Timon about exercising, getting sufficient sleep, and eating healthy.
Safety Smart: Online! - Pumbaa teaches Timon about online safety, such as not giving personal information to strangers online, knowing who the person on the other end might actually be, how to handle cyberbullying situations, and getting a parent's permission before visiting new websites.
Safety Smart: Honest and Real! - Timon is upset because he didn't win the Honest & Real Award until Pumbaa teaches him how to have good character, giving him examples of the three character traits, such as honesty, kindness, and responsibility, as they prepare for Hilda Hippo's party to honor her for winning.
Safety Smart: On the Go! - Pumbaa teaches Timon the safety rules when walking, riding a bicycle, riding in a car, on a plane, and bus, train or subway.
Safety Smart: On the Go!
"Safety Smart: On the Go!" is series of Safety Smart shorts based on the "Wild About Safety" episode of the same name. In a series of 2 minute shorts, Timon & Pumbaa take on certain topics on how to be safe when traveling; such as walking to travel as pedestrians, when visiting amusement parks, or when riding vehicles like trains, cars, planes, & buses. This short series is most well-known for being displayed on TV in resorts in Walt Disney World & Disneyland, in addition to a short "Wild About Safety" video about hotel safety & the "Wild About Safety" episode that the short series is based on.
On IMDB, Wild About Safety: Timon and Pumbaa Safety Smart at Home! has a rating of 7.8/10 from 12 user reviews. Wild About Safety: Timon and Pumbaa Safety Smart About Fire! has a rating of 8.3/10 from 9 user reviews.