Wildlife of Burundi
The wildlife of Burundi is composed of its flora and fauna. The small, landlocked country is home to 2,950 species of plants, 596 birds, 163 species of vertebrates, 52 species of reptiles, 56 species of amphibians, and 215 fish species. The wildlife has been drastically reduced in recent years, mainly on account of intense population pressure, conversion of large areas of forest into agricultural land, and extensive livestock farming. The protected area encompasses little more than 5% of the total area of the country.
Legal status
With one exception, there were no national laws on conservation of wildlife during the colonial rule of Belgium nor any national parks established. The exception was a forest reserve, established in 1933. Before 1980, little action was taken to protect wildlife. The first Act issued was Decree No. 1/6, dated 3 March 1980, under which national parks and reserves were proposed to preserve and conserve wildlife. Under this decree, forest boundaries were to be defined. The Forest Code of 25 March 1985 was an enabling law under which protected forest areas were decreed, and reserve areas were specified. A national institute for conservation was established, the National Institute for the Conservation of Nature, under the decree of March 1980; now renamed as the National Institute for Environment and Conservation of Nature. It has the responsibility to establish national parks and reserves. It also undertakes scientific research in flora and fauna as well as promotingecotourism.Habitat
The wildlife habitat of Burundi, spread over its 15 provinces, is effected by the moderate tropical climate, dominated by altitudinal difference. An average annual temperature of is recorded in the plateau region while the Rift Valley records a temperature of. Dry season lasts from June to August and again from December to January. The rainy season is from October to December with annual rainfall varying from ; Bujumbura, the largest city and former capital, has an average rainfall of. The western mountain region receives an average rainfall of ; the eastern plateaus, however, receive an annual rainfall in the range of. The country is dominated by hilly plateaus. The elevation in the plateau varies from with the decreasing trend recorded towards the east and southeast of the country. Its biodiversity is broadly categorized under the terrestrial ecosystems, and the aquatic and semi-aquatic ecosystems. The western area of the country is narrow and borders Lake Tanganyika, formed by the trough of the Rift Valley and the Rusizi River. The western region of the country is formed by the hilly terrain of the Congo-Nile Divide, with many hills lying above elevation; the highest mountains are Mount Teza at and Mount Heha at. The central plateau forms the middle part of the country. In the southeast, the Malagarasi River flows through the Kumoso depression and borders Tanzania. The northern part of the country is formed of lowland in the Bweru Bugesera region and has two lakes, Cohoha and Rweru; this region is distinct for its Cyperus papyrus vegetation. The forest area is limited to, and the wetlands account for . The montane forest, which occupied nearly 33 to 50% of the country in the past, is mostly denuded and only a patch of of closed forest is recorded on the banks of Lake Tanganyika. Lake Tanganyika, the second-deepest lake in the world, has a water spread of only 8% in Burundi. Other rivers are the Malagarisi and the Ruvuvu. Ruviyaronza, an upper branch of the Kagera River, is the head stream of the Nile which rises in Burundi. The river systems of the country fall under the two main hydrographical basins of the Nile and the Congo basin. The dominant vegetation that encompasses most of the habitats is of savanna. Acacia, eucalyptus, and oil palm trees are common.Protected areas
There are three national parks and many reserves in Burundi. Kibira National Park is in size and contains the country's largest rainforest; it borders Rwanda’s Parc National de Nyungwe. Ruvubu National Park, the largest park in the country, is known for its hiking trails and has expansive views. Rusizi National Park, from Bujumbura, is wetland, with hippos, sitatunga and many species of birds. Declared a national park in 1990, it is situated in the flood plains of the Rusizi River in the outer limits of Bujumbura. Apart from the national parks, there are four reserves: Lac Rwihinda Nature Reserve, Bururi Forest Nature Reserve , Rumonge Nature Reserve, and Kigwena Forest Nature Reserve. In addition, there are two natural monuments, Chutes de la Kagera and Nyakazu Gorge.Flora
The flora is characterized by East African evergreen bushland and secondary grassland, as well as Afromontane vegetation including transitional rainforests in the western mountain region. Hyphaene–Acacia and Brachystegia trees are noted in the lake shores. The Brachystegia–Julbernardia trees are seen in south-eastern border area. The Bugesera region in the north and the Kumoso depression on the east have profuse vegetation of Acacia–Combretum trees, and Brachystegia trees. The vascular flora reported is of 2,950 species under 195 families. In the high altitude in particular many species of wild flora are reported to be endemic; 70 species of plants are reported in this category.Fauna
The faunal species reported are 163 species of vertebrates, 52 species of reptiles, 56 species of amphibians and 215 fish species. It is also reported that at high altitudes, endemicity is distinct in 17 species of mammals and 22 species of birds. Lake Tanganyika has 200 species of fish and an equal number of molluscs. A scientific exploration team of the University of Texas at El Paso found the Bururi long-fingered frog , in December 2011 in the Bururi Forest Nature Reserve, after it was last seen in 1949. Seven important species of fauna reported are Genetta piscivora, Serinus mozambicus, Cercopithecus lhoesti, Agapornis fischeri, Galago moholi, Hyperolius viridiflavus, and Hippopotamus amphibius.The species reported under Endangered and Vulnerable category are the following: chimpanzee , wild dog , African golden cat , Carruther's mountain squirrel , cheetah , lion , Ruwenzori shrew , and spotted-necked otter .
African buffalo has four subspecies, of which the West African savanna subspecies S.c. caffer found in Burundi number only about 500 now. Sitatunga were once found in many swamps in Burundi, but by the 1980s their numbers had dwindled, and the species' present conservation status is unknown. Waterbuck, also called the defassa waterbuck, was found throughout Burundi in the savanna grass land, then became restricted to the Ruvibu National Park. Only 500 numbers were reported in the 1980s and its present status is unknown. Lichtenstein's hartebeest occurred in the southeast. Korrigum, Damaliscus lunatus, which were found in the eastern flood plains and savanna grasslands, is now extirpated. Impala, which once inhabited the eastern savannas, is also extirpated. Oribi, which occurred in the eastern and southern savnnah and flood plains, is probably extirpated. Klipspringer, found in rocky outcrops in the south and east, is now extirpated. Grey duiker is found in large numbers in spite of extensive hunting in the eastern and southern savannas. It is found in Ruvubu National Park.
Reported avifauna include 596 species of which 13 species of global conservation concern and three are introduced species; more species have been found but their details are not recorded. There are no endemic bird species. There are five Important Bird Areas declared by Bird Life International in the country, which cover an area of and which account for 3.7% of the total area of the country. These coalesce with the national parks and two forest reserves. According to Bird Life International, there are 13 species of global conservation concern. These include Phoenicopterus minor, Circus macrourus, Falco naumanni, Gallinago media, Glareola nordmanni, Ardeola idea, Lybius rubrifacies, Kupeornis rufocinctus, Laniarius mufumbiri, Balaeniceps rex, Apalis argentea, Bradypterus graueri, Cryptospiza shelleyi, Calamonastides gracilirostris, and Bugeranus carunculatus''.