Will Studd

Will Studd is an International cheese specialist. Studd has been working with artisan and farmhouse cheeses for more than four decades, and has travelled extensively in his vocation. After establishing a chain of delicatessens in central London during the 1970s, he migrated to Melbourne, Australia, in 1982, where he has done much to promote a greater understanding of specialist cheese as well as championing the cause of traditional cheese made from raw milk.

The Roquefort case

In January 2002, Studd challenged minor changes to Australian food regulations relating to raw milk cheese by importing 80 kilograms of Roquefort as a test case.
After the Imported Food Inspection Program refused to test the cheese for compliance, Studd appealed to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. It took 21 months before the court reached a decision, but during the delay Food Standards Australia New Zealand changed the dairy regulations to allow the production and sale of hard cooked cheeses made from raw milk.
The court upheld the ban on Roquefort and it was subsequently buried in a public tip. Two years later FSANZ also granted a special exemption for the sale of Roquefort in Australia after an 11-year ban.
Studd lodged applications with FSANZ for similar exemptions for the production and sale of all European raw milk cheese in 2004. After a delay of five years FSANZ finally announced a review of the domestic regulations on the production and sale of raw milk cheese in Australia in 2009
In 2008, the New Zealand Food Safety Authority allowed the sale of Roquefort on the basis of the Australian report. The following year they announced proposals to change the regulations on the production and sale of raw milk cheese in New Zealand, and proposals to recognise European regulations for some cheese types.

International awards

2000 – Ambassadeur/Maitre Fromager - Guilde des Fromagers
2002 – Chevalier of the Ordre National du Mérite Agricole by the French Ministry of Agriculture
2007- Tasting Australia Hall of fame
2009 – Officier of the Ordre National du Mérite Agricole by the French Ministry of Agriculture


Studd has published two books, Chalk and Cheese and Cheese Slices, both of which have been recognized by cheese specialists around the world as valuable guides to understanding cheese. ‘Chalk and Cheese’ won Best Book on Cheese at the 2009 World Cookbook Fair Awards, Best in the World in France. It

Television series

Studd is the host and executive producer of Cheese Slices and "Cheese Chasers – World Adventures with Will Studd". He is currently up to Series 8 of the TV Show. Cheese Slices was conceived by Will Studd and Producer/Director/Editor Michael Ross Robinson of Squid Ink Media. Michael Ross Robinson has produced every series and directed all episodes with the exception of Series 2 Ireland - The Irish Cheese Renaissance, Spain - Spanish Traditional Quesos and the field directing of Series 6 Bhutan - Yak's Cheese and Butter. Michael has edited all episodes from series 3 onwards.
This international TV series explores the fascinating history, skills and traditions behind some of the world’s most significant traditional cheeses. The 55 episodes have been shown in many countries including Lifestyle Food in Australia and are also available on a series of four DVDs and online.
Series 1:
Episode 1: Gorgonzola / Cave Ripened Tallegio
Episode 2: Goats Cheese of Poitou – France
Episode 3: Parmigiano Reggiano / Grana Padano
Episode 4: Pecorino
Episode 5: Camembert
Episode 6: Cheddar
Series 2:
Episode 7: Comte Gruyere and Farmhouse Morbier
Episode 8: The Irish Farmhouse Revolution
Episode 9: The Legend of Roquefort
Episode 10: Spanish traditional Quesos
Episode 11: Australian Cheese Pioneers
Episode 12: Stilton - The King of English Cheese
Episode 13: Vermont Cheese USA
Series 3:
Episode 14. GREECE – Feta: Food of the Gods
Episode 15. THE BASQUE - Ossau Iraty Cheese
Episode 16. FRANCE – Massif Central and Auvergne
Episode 17. FRANCE – Soft Washed Rind Cheeses
Episode 18. SAVOIE/FRANCHE COMTE - Cheeses of the Alps
Episode 19. SWITZERLAND – Mountain Cheese
Episode 21. USA – New Farmstead Cheeses of Northern California
Series 4:
Episode 22. The Champion of English Cheese
Episode 23. Twins of the Mediterranean – Corsica and Sardinia
Episode 24. Mozzarella and the cheeses of Campania Italy
Episode 25. Cheeses of Quebec
Episode 26. Wisconsin USA
Episode 27. Portugal
Episode 28. Japan
Episode 29. Artisan Cheese of USA
Episode 30. Haloumi – Cyprus
Episode 31. Japan – Special
Series 5:
Episode 32: Cheeses of Norway
Episode 33: Cheeses of Sicily
Episode 34: Cheeses of Denmark
Episode 35: Cheeses of Scotland
Episode 36: Cheeses of Piemonte, Italy
Episode 37: Cheeses of Wales
Episode 38: Cheeses of Tasmania
Episode 39: Cheeses of Provence
Episode 40: Cheeses of Germany
Series 6:
Episode 41: India
Episode 42: Israel
Episode 43: Bhutan
Episode 44: Turkey
Episode 45: French monks
Episode 46: Italian Alps
Episode 47: French Butter
Episode 48: Catalonia Menorca
Series 7:
Episode 49: Cheeses of Galicia, Spain
Episode 50: Cheeses of Brazil
Episode 51: Cheeses of British Columbia, Canada
Episode 52: Cheeses of Washington State, USA
Episode 53: Cheeses of Sweden
Episode 54: Cheeses of Abruzzo, Italy
Episode 55: Cheeses of Lyon, France
Season 8:
Episode 56: Cheddar Cheese of England
Episode 57: The Battle of real camembert, France
Episode 58: Traditional Shepard's Cheeses of the Pyrnees
Episode 59: Cheese of La Mancha and Cabrables, Spain
Episode 60: The Cheese Makers of Vermont, USA
Episode 61: Roquefort Revisiting the King of blues