William Edwards School

William Edwards School is an academy school in Grays, Essex. It has a student population of approximately 1204 students. The current headteacher of the school is Simon Bell. The school achieved outstanding in its OFSTED inspection in Dec 2010. As of 2019, according to Ofsted it needs improvement. Academy status was achieved on 1 August 2011. In March 2017 the school was inspected and retained its outstanding judgement. Inspectors commented that pupils were "exceptionally well behaved" and received much praise in a number of areas.
The school offers a wide range of GCSE options for students and have adequate resources to support the students learning. In 2002, the school gained Sports College status and in 2004, William Edwards became a Training School.
The academic year 2012-13 marked the 50th anniversary of the school’s opening, so William Edwards School has been serving the local community for 55 years. During this time, the school has also achieved Academy converter status, Platinum Artsmark status and numerous sporting awards.