The Misel Family Lecture Series The Irving and Edythe Misel Family Lecture Series, hosted by FTPI, invites physicists from around the world to the University of Minnesota to discuss physics with the general public. It is funded by a generous gift from the Edythe and Irving Misel family. The list of the Misel Lecturers to date is: 2006: Frank Wilczek, 2007: Leo Kadanoff, 2008: Jim Peebles, 2009: Helen Quinn, 2010: N. David Mermin, 2011: Roger Blandford, 2012: John Ellis, 2013: Eric Cornell, 2014: Andrei Linde, 2015: Joseph Polchinski, 2016: John Preskill, 2017: Wendy Freedman, 2018: Nergis Mavalvala, and 2019: Charles Marcus. Visitor Program FTPI has a worldwide reach. The Institute has hosted over 800 individual researchers, from institutions in more than 18 different countries, for working visits of one day to six months. Workshops FTPI hosts up to three workshops per year for physicists from around the world. This includes the 2013 CAQCD meeting which was special because it was the tenth meeting in the series. The proceedings of the previous conferences – they are held biannually – reveal the developments of QCD and related theories from the early 1990s. As well as a workshop in October 2000 celebrating 30 years of supersymmetry.
Current and former faculty members of FTPI have been honored with a number of prizes and awards. Keith Olive is a current Distinguished McKnight University Professor of Physics and was awarded the 2018 Hans Bethe Prize. Former faculty, Leonid Glazman was a McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair. Boris Shklovskii is the recipient of the 1986 Landau Award and the 2019 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize. Former faculty,Arkady Vainshtein and Mikhail Shifman were awarded the 2016 Dirac Medal and Prize. Andrey V. Chubukov was awarded the 2018 John Bardeen Prize. Three faculty members have been awarded the Sakurai Prize: former faculty, Arkady Vainshtein, Mikhail Shifman, and Mikhail Voloshin. former faculty, Arkady Vainshtein and Mikhail Shifman received the Pomeranchuk Prize. Mikhail Shifman was honored with the Lilienfeld Prize, and elected as Laureate of Les Chaires Internacionales de Recherche Blaise Pascal. Former member Anatoly Larkin was awarded the Fritz London Memorial Prize in Low Temperature Physics, the Hewlett Packard Europhysics Prize, the Lars Onsager Prize in Theoretical Statistical Physics as well as the Bardeen Prize for Superconductivity.
The William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute is financed from a combination of private and University funds. In the world of fundamental-science research institutes, FTPI is, for its part, something of an oddity. While most such organizations are large, National Science Foundation-funded enterprises, Minnesota's FTPI was created in large part out of the generosity of a single private donor, and it is dedicated to the research efforts of its members. The United States Department of Energy ER40823 grant is mutually submitted between the Department of Physics at the University of Minnesota and FTPI. This grant is entitled "Experimental and Theoretical High Energy Physics" and helps to support faculty and postdoctoral salaries.